Advanced Reports - General Settings

All settings for tuning-up Advanced Reports extension are located at System -> Configuration -> Advanced Reports. It can be also accessed via shortcut Advanced Reports -> Settings -> Configuration.

There are three sections:


Option Description
Display Advanced Reports under native Reports If option is enabled, Advanced Reports tab will be displayed in the dropdown list of the native Magento Reports menu. If disabled, Advanced Reports link will be displayed separately on the Magento panel menu.
Replace Dashboard link to Advanced Dashboard If option is enabled, Advanced Dashboard will replace native Magento Dasboard. In another case, Advanced Dashboard tab will be displayed in the drop-down list of the native Magento Dashboard menu button.


Option Description
Process Orders Defines a statuses, which order should have to be displayed in Reports.
Display addresses in the Customers report Displays addresses in Customers Report. Note: Can decrease performance, if customer collection is too large.
Group data by time of Defines, which timestamp should be used for Orders grouping - when Order Created or Last Order Update.
Add Customer Group filter to Dashboard widgets Defines whether Customer Group should be displayed on Dashboard widgets. If enabled, you can filter Dashboard widgets by customer group.

Time Configuration

Option Description
Additional time offset, hours Using this setting you can control the offset for the time options available at the date range filter in the reports and at the dashboard. For example, setting it to 5 will cause the today's date range start instead of 00:00:00 to 00:05:00.

Please, when configuring Orders Reports options, pay attention to the following release specifics:

Advanced Reports <= 1.0.30

By default, reports (except Sales -> Orders report) contain orders only with "complete" status. Sales > Orders report contains "Status" column and filter by orders statuses

Advanced Reports >= 1.0.31

By default, reports contain orders with all statuses

Advanced Reports