Troubleshoot - Advanced Reports

  • Orders Grand Total and Gross Profit columns do not account refunded amount.

    By default Magento does not subtract the refunded amount from the order's grand total amount. So the module shows the default raw values.

    Since the version 1.0.42 we have added an ability to modify the columns' expressions used to calculate the result value.
    To account the refunded amount in the columns above, simply add the following code to the column's expression: - IFNULL(sales_order_table.base_total_refunded, 0).
    Here is how the result expression may look like for the Grand Total column in the Sales > Orders report: (sales_order_table.base_grand_total - IFNULL(sales_order_table.base_total_refunded, 0))

  • State, province or place is not highlighted on a map in the Sales by Geo-data report

    In some cases a row with a country's state (province or place) is displayed in the grid of a report, however, the corresponding part of a map is not highlighted.


    Google, in its documentation, states that a region code should be written in uppercase ISO-3166-2 compliant format. For example, for Germany, in order to highlight the state we can use either its Subdivision Name (Bayern) or a corresponding Code (DE-BY).

    For states our module uses the subdivision names, however, the practice proves, that not all the correctly formed subdivision names are always visible on a map. So, if it's true for you, you just need to use the appropriate Code instead.

    To change the subdivision name to code you can simply use the Magento translation mechanism, you can place the string below to your translation file:
    "Bayern", "DE-BY"

    Then clean the translation cache and refresh the report.

Advanced Reports