
All Store Credit customer transactions are located at Sales → Store Credit → Transactions.
At this page you can see these customer transaction details:

  • Transaction # - ID of the transaction.
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Email
  • Date - allows to show customer transactions only for the selected period.
  • Balance Change - shows balance change of the customer last transaction.
  • Balance - current credit balance of the customer.
  • Action - status of the last Balance Change.
  • Additional Message - shows additional information about transaction, f.e. Order id, Credit memo id, etc.
  • Is Notified? - shows if the balance update email was set to the customer.

Create a new transaction

To create a new customer transaction, click the button Add New.

Select the customer from the list and fill in the following fields:

  • Store Credit Balance Change - sets customer credit balance amount.
  • Additional Message - allows to set additional information about new transaction.

Click the button Save.

Store Credit & Refund