Setting Up an Design

To create a new design, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Follow Up Email > Templates > Manage Designs. Press button Add Design
  2. Input all needed values there:

    • Name - the name of design.
    • Description
    • Type - the content type
      • HTML
      • Text
    • Template - the template of design. In this textarea you need create html markup.

      You can use variables and methods inside design or template.

      Editable Area

      Additionaly you can use the directive <?php echo $this->area('header_content') ?> to create an editable area in a template, where header_content is the name of an area.
      Place this directive in a section where you want to insert a content from a template.

  3. Press Save.

Now you can use new design in your templates.

Follow Up Email