Additional Settings

Extension allows to set up additional settings for feed export.
Go to Catalog > Manage Feeds and open your feed. Open tab Additional.

Export Configuration

  • Export Only Enabled Products - if option is enabled, products with status Disabled will be excluded from the feed export.
  • Export Only New And Changed Products - if option is enabled, only new and changed products will be exported since the last time feed generation.
    You can reset already exported products, by pressing on link Reset Exported Products.

This feature will work, only if number of assigned to feed filters greater than zero.

  • Enable archiving - if option is enabled (.zip), after feed generation extension also generate zip archiv of the same feed.

Reports Configuration

For each feed, you can enable/disable tracking clicks and orders by changing setting Enable Reports.

If feature enabled, extension append to product url two special arguments (fee=, fep=) to track clicks and orders (, where fee - ID of the feed, and fep - ID of the product).

Content Filter

This option alllows to remove symbols from the feed content.

To make option enabled, fill in the following fields:

  • Allowed Characters - Sets allowed characters for the product feed content. Leave empty to allow all characters. Begin and end with the "/" to use as a regular expression (ex. /[A-Za-z]*/).
    Begin from any other character to accept only particular characters (ex. ABCDEFGH).
  • Ignored Characters - Sets ignored characters for the product feed content. Leave empty to accept all characters. Begin and end with the "/" to use as a regular expression (ex. /[A-Za-z]*/).
    Begin from any other character to ignore only particular characters (ex. ABCDEFGH).
Advanced Product Feeds