Performance Filters

Extension allows to set additional filter for products export: by number of clicks, number of orders, revenue, conversion rate (%).

To create a new performance filter follow these steps:

  1. Go to Catalog > Manage Feeds > Manage Filters. Press button Add Filter.
  2. Set filter name and select Performance filter type.
  3. Select feeds for which the filter will be applied. Also you can select applied filters on the feed edit page.
  4. At Rules tab you can specify all required filters.
  5. Select filter conditions. Extension allows to set conditions combination, using if ALL and if ANY, TRUE or FALSE rules.


Extension exports to the feed only products which have status Enabled, even if status condition isn't set in the filter.

Performance Filter Example

For example, you want to export only products which were ordered less than 10 times for the last 14 days. Also, if one of these conditions are true:

  1. Product page was visited more than 50 times for the last 14 days;
  2. Conversion rate less than 5%


Advanced Product Feeds