Reports - Full Page Cache

Go to System > Cache Management
Extension generates a data chart based on the requests to the store pages. It allows to track:

  • average response time of the store pages.
  • cache size and number of cache files.
  • amount of the generated and requested pages from the cache.
  • compare response time of the new generated pages and the pages from the cache.

On a cache Hits, page is allready generated and placed in the cache.
On a cache Miss, the cache control mechanism must pass request to magento, generate the page and place it in the cache.

On the chart you can check percentage ratio between Hits and Miss pages for a certain period, where:

  • Hits % - percentage of the requests to the pages that are found in the cache.
  • Miss % - percentage of the requests to the pages, which are not in the cache and have to be generated.


Full Page Cache