Event Types

Event types are the one of the most basic parts of Gift Registry. They define special events, on which customer can receive a gift from other customers.

By default there's three basic events, which you can find at Gift Registry -> Dictionaries -> Events Types grid:

  • Birthday
  • Wedding
  • Baby Shower

These are the most common events, that every customer can have. But you can also define your own event type from the their grid.

How to create an Event Type

Go to Gift Registry -> Dictionaries -> Events Types, and press Add New. You will ne taken to the creation dialog page, which consists of the following fields:

  • Title - a title, which will be shown on event selection drop-down menu at customer's account.
  • Sort Order - priority, that this event should have. It affects order, in which drop-down menu items are sorted.
  • Form Sections - a list of sections - e. q. separately defined set of fields, that should be shown to customer at Registry creation stage, when this event type is selected.
  • Active - defines, whether Event Type is active and available for Registry creation.
Gift Registry