Notification Rules

Notification Rules allow to setup different messages for customers, which notify customers about possible earning/spending points.

To create a new Notification Rule, go to the Reward Points > Notification Rules and press the button Add New. Fill in the following fields:

General Information (common for all types of rules)

  • Rule Name - name of the rule. Used only for internal purposes.
  • Is Active - rule status.
  • Active From, Active To - period of rule activity.
  • Websites - websites where rule will be active.
  • Customer Groups - customer groups for which rule can be applied.
  • Stop further rules processing - if enabled, there are no more rules will be applied after this rule.
  • Priority - order which will be used for rules sorting before applying.


Can contain any cart conditions. Rule can be applied, only if conditions are valid.


  • Show message on - list of pages, where we would like to show this notification message.
  • Message - text of message to show.

In messages you can use two special variables - [earn_points] and [spend_points], which display currently earned and spent points.

Reward Points