RMA extension Removing

To uninstall an extension please follow the next steps:

  • Disable Compilation Mode (if enabled).
  • Remove following files:


  • If you have only one extension from Mirasvit installed, remove following file:


  • Login in to Magento backend and refresh site cache (if enabled).
  • Remove following folders:


  • Remove templates and layouts files of the extension from your theme folder. The list of such files can be collected from files in the extension package. Run the following SQL Query (before running it, replace [db_table_prefix] to your database table prefix. It can be found in the file /app/etc/local.xml).
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_comment;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_condition;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_field;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_item;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_reason;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_resolution;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_rma;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_rma_store;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_rma_status;

DELETE FROM [db_table_prefix]core_resource WHERE code='rma_setup';

DELETE FROM [db_table_prefix]eav_attribute where attribute_code='rma_status';
  • If you have only one extension from Mirasvit installed, run:
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_mstcore_attachment;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_mstcore_logger;
DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]m_mstcore_urlrewrite;

DROP TABLE [db_table_prefix]core_resource WHERE code='mstcore_setup'