Troubleshooting - Advanced Sphinx Search Pro

  • I have Magento Enterprise Edition, and search does not return correct results

    This issue can appear, when you're using simulaneously several search modules, and they're conflicting with each other.


    1. First of all, make sure, that there's no active third-party search extensions. You can check it at /app/etc/modules folder, where each module has it's respective XML file.
    2. If there any, except of Mirasvit or standard Mage extensions, turn them off either by renaming their respective file at /app/etc/modules, or editing them.
    3. Turn off extensions Enterprise_Search and Enterprise_CatalogSearch, if they're enabled.
    4. Purge ALL cache, that you're using, including external.
    5. Run reindex.
  • Configurable Swatches are not shown for the products on the search result pages

    Error could appear if module Configurable Swatches is enabled.
    This problem occurs because Magento module is loaded before our search module.

    To solve this problem you should tell Magento load the module Mage_ConfigurableSwatches after our module Mirasvit_SearchIndex
    For this open the file app/etc/modules/Mirasvit_SearchIndex.xml and add dependency for module Mage_ConfigurableSwatches.
    After changes the file app/etc/modules/Mirasvit_SearchIndex.xml should look as follows:

  • Mana Filters do not work on the search result page after installing our extension

    There is a known conflict with the extension Mana_Fitlers. Error may occur on the search result page, when trying to apply filters.


    1. app/design/frontend/[YOUR PACKAGE]/[YOUR THEME]/layout/catalogsearch.xml - find and comment out everything inside <reference name="content"> under <catalogsearch_result_index> as shown below:

          <reference name="content"> 
              <!-- COMMENT EVERYTHING IN IT --> 
    2. app/etc/modules/Mirasvit_SearchIndex.xml – make sure that this module loads before our module by adding dependency on the Mana_Filters module:
  • Conflict with Netzarbeiter_GroupsCatalog2

    This conflict occurs because both extensions rewrites the same core Magento model class.
    To solve the conflict you should change the file app/code/community/Netzarbeiter/GroupsCatalog2/Model/CatalogSearch/Resource/Fulltext/Collection.php, specifically change the string extends Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext_Collection to make it look as follows: extends Mirasvit_SearchIndex_Model_Catalogsearch_Resource_Fulltext_Collection.
    That's it, the search should work properly now.

  • Conflict with Simtech_Searchanise

    This conflict occurs because both extensions rewrites the same core Magento model class.
    To solve the conflict you should change the file app/code/community/Simtech/Searchanise/Model/Resource/Fulltext/Collection.php, specifically change the string extends Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext_Collection to make it look as follows: extends Mirasvit_SearchIndex_Model_Catalogsearch_Resource_Fulltext_Collection.
    That's it, the search should work properly now.

  • Conflict with MageWorx_CustomOptions

    This conflict occurs because MageWorx_CustomOptions extensions set additional parameters to MySql query.


    /app/code/community/MageWorx/CustomOptions/Model/Observer.php - find the following methods:

    • public function catalogProductCollectionLoadBefore
    • public function catalogProductCollectionLoadAfter

    and place the following code at the beginning of method :

    if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'catalogsearch' || 
        Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'searchautocomplete') {

    to make it look as follows :

    public function catalogProductCollectionLoadBefore($observer)
        if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'catalogsearch' || 
            Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'searchautocomplete') {
    public function catalogProductCollectionLoadAfter($observer)
        if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'catalogsearch' || 
            Mage::app()->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'searchautocomplete') {
  • Thread stack overrun MySql error

    This error occurs because you have too much search attributes or your thread_stack size is not enough to process query.

    1. You can decrease search attributes qty in Search-> Manage Search Indexes;
    2. You can increase your thread_stack size. Minimum suggested value is 256KB. You can add the --thread_stack option with the correct value to the command-line when starting the server, or you could add it to the configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini, depending on your system).
Advanced Sphinx Search Pro