
Getting Started

Welcome to the documentation of Blog MX for Magento 2 extension.

Whether you are a new or an advanced user, you can find some useful information here.

First of all we recommend you check the following link:

How to install the extension

How to install the extension Prepare for installation Back up your store's database and web directory. Log in to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Copy the installation instructions from the pag...

Blog MX settings

Blog MX settings The settings of Blog Mx are located at Content ▸ Blog MX ▸ Settings and are grouped into the following sections: Appearence - basic configuration of the blog appearence in the frontend. Display - additional configurations related to ...


Posts Create a new blog post Go to Content ▸ Blog MX ▸ All Posts. There you'll see all blog posts img { width:100%; } To create a new blog post, click on the Add New Post button and you'll be redirected to the post creation form. Bl...


Categories Go to Content ▸ Blog MX ▸ Categories. There, you'll see the blog categories organized hierarchically img { width:100%; } To create a new category, click on the Add new button and you'll be redirected to the category creation...


Authors Go to Content ▸ Blog MX ▸ Authors. There, you'll see all authors of the blog posts img { width:100%; } To create a new author, click on the Add New Author button and you'll be redirected to the author creation form. ...


Tags Go to Content ▸ Blog MX ▸ Tags. There, you'll see all tags of the blog img { width:100%; } To create a new blog tag, click on the Add New Tag button and you'll be redirected to the tag creation form. ...


Widgets Since version 2.0.0 the whole frontend of the extension is based on Widgets. The extension provides a bunch of Widgets of different types. Each widget has the following configurations: Template - the template for rendering the widget. Different ...

Layout Editor

Layout Editor The extension provides the ability to configure the layout for every page type of the extension separately. Go to the Content -> Blog MX by Mirasvit -> Layout Editor or click the Layout Editor button in the Layout Settings section of t...

General Configurations

General Configurations All configurations of the Comments extension are located at Stores -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Comments. The extension has only one configurations section - General Settings - with the following configuratio...

How to upgrade extension

How to upgrade extension To upgrade the extension, follow these steps: Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to your server's SSH console and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command composer require mirasvit/mo...

Disabling the Extension

Disabling the Extension Temporarily Disable To temporarily disable the extension please follow these steps: Login to your server's SSH console and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command php -f bin/magento module:disable Mirasv...

Change Log

Change Log 3.2.0 (2025-02-28) Features Added the ability to set "YouTube URL", "Instagram URL", and "TikTok URL" for the author 3.1.10 (2024-11-25) Fixed Fixed the issue with the warning “Deprecated Functionality: Creat...