Welcome to the Comments Extension Guide!

Here you will find everything you need to set up and use Comments.

This extension, once enabled, automatically integrates with the Mirasvit Advanced Reviews and Mirasvit Blog MX extensions.

General Configurations

All configurations of the Comments extension are located at Stores -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Comments.

The extension has only one configurations section - General Settings - with the following configurations:

  • Enable Comments - enable/disable the comments feature.
  • Allow Guests to Write Comments - defines whether guest users are allowed to leave comments or not.
  • Automatically Approve Comments - defines whether comments left by visitors should automatically obtain the Approved status or should be left for moderation.
  • Date Format - defines how the date when the comment was left should be displayed.
  • Enable Admin Notifications - if enabled, the extension will add notifications about pending comments into the admin system notifications.

General Configurations

All configurations of the Comments extension are located at Stores -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Comments.

The extension has only one configurations section - General Settings - with the following configurations:

  • Enable Comments - enable/disable the comments feature.
  • Allow Guests to Write Comments - defines whether guest users are allowed to leave comments or not.
  • Automatically Approve Comments - defines whether comments left by visitors should automatically obtain the Approved status or should be left for moderation.
  • Date Format - defines how the date when the comment was left should be displayed.
  • Enable Admin Notifications - if enabled, the extension will add notifications about pending comments into the admin system notifications.

Change Log




  • Changes for Hyva compatibility


  • conflict with Magento_PricePermissions




  • Admin notifications for pending comments




  • Composer dependencies and conflicts




  • Comments count in admin grids




  • Compatibility with 2.3.*




  • Compatibility with 2.3.*



Initial release