Welcome to the Landing Page Documentation. Whether you are a new or an advanced user, you can find some useful information here.
First of all, we recommend you check the following link:
php -f bin/magento module:enable Mirasvit_LandingPage
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento cache:clean
rm -rf pub/static/frontend/*; rm -rf pub/static/backend/*; rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*;
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
This section describes how to create and edit landing pages.
To create a new landing page, go to the Content -> Landing Pages -> Pages section and press the button New Page. The landign page that will appear is divided into four sections:
Option | Description |
Is Active | Enable / disable landing. |
Name | Internal name of the page |
Store View | Defines where the landing page will be displayed. |
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Option | Description |
URL key | Defines URL for your landing page. |
Page Title | The Title (H1) of the Landing Page. If the field is empty, the title will display Name of Page. |
Meta Title | Defines the meta title for the landing page. |
Meta Keywords | Defines meta keywords for the landing page. |
Meta Description | Defines the meta description for the landing page. |
Robots | This directive controls page visibility by search engines' crawlers. There are four available variants: NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX, FOLLOW, INDEX, NOFOLLOW, INDEX FOLLOW. |
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This section allows configuring the content of the landing page .
Option | Description |
Description | Defines Landing page's description. |
Top CMS block | Defines a static block to display at the top of the landing page. Blocks should be added in Content -> Elements -> Blocks. Not applicable for the Products only display mode. |
Bottom CMS block | Defines a static block to display at the bottom of the landing page. Blocks should be added in Content -> Elements -> Blocks. Not applicable for the Products only display mode. |
Layout Update XML | Defines Layout Update XML for the landing page |
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This section defines how products for the page will be selected
Option | Description |
Categories | Defines the categories from which products will be displayed. |
Search Term | Defines the search term. If specified, only products that match the search term will be displayed |
Filters | Configure attributes and their values to use them as filters for selecting products |
The extension supports any combinations of these configurations to filter products
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To temporarily disable the extension please follow the following steps:
php -f bin/magento module:disable Mirasvit_LandingPage
To uninstall the extension, please follow these steps:
composer remove mirasvit/module-landing-page