Improved Sorting

Sorting Criteria

Go to System > Improved Sorting > Sorting Criteria.

You will see the list of configured sorting options. If the list is empty, Magento will use the default sorting options.

Here you can change the order of the criteria visible to users and add/remove available options.

Once you add your first sorting criteria, the extension will replace native Magento sorting options and use your configuration.

To add new Criteria click Add new button.

General information:

  • Name * - name of option, visible in the dropdown on front-end;
  • Active - to enable/disable criteria;
  • Default - applies sorting criteria by default on the category page;
  • Default for Search - applies the sorting criteria by default on the search results page (instead of sorting by relevance);
  • Position - position of sorting option in the dropdown on front-end.
  • Conditions - describes the logic for sorting products. You can use:
    • Catalog attributes - an attribute is visible for sorting, if the option Used for Sorting in Product Listing is enabled (Stores > Attributes > Product);
    • Ranking factors - allows for choosing one of the Ranking Factors;
    • ASC (A-Z, 0-9)/DESC (Z-A, 9-0) - allows for sorting from smallest to largest/ from largest to smallest;
    • Weight - allows for increasing the impact of the factor in a particular rule that is set with the value from 1 - 100;
    • Limit - sets the maximum number of products for which this weight will be applied;
  • Add New Sub Condition button - allows for adding several criteria and setting their weight in the current group of conditions. Affects the position of a product in a category.


    Product Score = SubConditionWeight1 + SubConditionWeight2 + SubConditionWeightN

    The extension will calculate, assign each item its own Score, and place them in ascending or descending order. For example, let's apply sorting by creation date and stock availability:

    • Product E (28.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product C (25.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product A (20.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product D (25.10.2020, out of stock)
    • Product F (20.10.2020, out of stock)
    • Product B (18.10.2020, out of stock)
  • Add New Condition button - allows for setting the sort sequence; affects the product position in the product group and in the category;


    Product Score = Condition1(SubConditionWeight1 + SubConditionWeight2 + SubConditionWeightN) + Condition2(SubConditionWeight1 + SubConditionWeight2 + SubConditionWeightN)

    It will sequentially sort the products, first by the first condition and then by the subsequent conditions within the group. Lets arrange the products, for example, by creation date and then by stock availability for the specified date:

    • Product E (28.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product C (25.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product D (25.10.2020, out of stock)
    • Product A (20.10.2020, in stock)
    • Product F (20.10.2020, out of stock)
    • Product B (18.10.2020, out of stock)
  • Advanced Configuration:

    • Code - used to generated a URL; does not affect anything else.