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How to add variables to custom notification emails

Help Desk notifications also support standard Magento email template variables, such as {{var logo_alt}}, and supports function calling, like {{var store.getFrontendName()}}, and adds a set of its own variables.

  • {{var customer}} - allows access to customer properties;
  • {{var ticket}} - allows access to ticket properties, including custom fields (see below).
  • {{var department}} - allows access to department properties.

The most usable properties are:

  • {{var customer.getName()}} - name of current customer

  • {{var customer.getEmail()}} - email of current customer

  • {{var department.getName()}} - name of department to which current ticket was assigned

  • {{var department.getSenderEmail()}} - sender email, used as the field From in notificators

  • {{var ticket.getCode()}} - code of current ticket, e. g. YVB-459-53185.

  • {{var ticket.getName()}} - subject of current ticket.

  • {{var ticket.getCustomerEmail()}} - email of current customer.

  • {{var ticket.getCustomerName()}} - full name of current customer.

  • {{var ticket.getLastReplyName()}} - full name of customer or staff member who last replied to the current ticket.

  • {{var ticket.getFrontendLastReplyName()}} - name of the author to the last reply as it is displayed at the frontend (depending from option Store -> Configuration -> Help Desk -> General settings -> Sign staff replies)

  • {{var ticket.getChannel()}} - name of the channel that created the ticket - e.g. 'email', 'backend' or 'feedback_tab'.

  • {{var ticket.getExternalUrl()}} - frontend URL of current ticket.

  • {{var ticket.getBackendUrl()}} - backend URL of current ticket. The variable works correctly if the Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Admin -> Security -> Add secret key to URLs option is disabled.

  • {{var ticket.getLastMessagePlainText()}} - contents of last message posted.

  • {{var ticket.getUserName()}} - full name of current ticket owner.

  • {{var ticket.getOrder()}} - returns order object to which current ticket was binded. It provides access to all order's properties (see example below, note that these properties can be used within {{depend}} tag).


Assume that you have to get the order number, to which the current ticket is binded. This requires the following code:

{{depend ticket.getOrder()}}
{{var ticket.getOrder().getIncrementId()}}

Also, if there is a custom field, it can be used as an email variable. Each custom field has a code. Assume that we have created a field with the custom_email code. Then the corresponding email variable is:

  • {{var ticket.getCustomEmail()}} - Email of the current customer.