Promo Banners


Placeholder - is a place on a page of the web site where a banner can be displayed. The same placeholder can be used for more than one banner.

Follow to Marketing > Promo Banners > Placeholders to manage or create new placeholders.

To set up a new placeholder, you need to click the button Add New Placeholder:

General Information

  • Active - Turn-on / off the placeholder. If the placeholder is active, it will be displayed in Banner placeholder's settings.
  • Internal Name - Internal placeholder name.
  • Display Mode - Display formats:
    • Rotator - Randomly rotates the banner ads that are seen by users, so that each time the site is visited or refreshed a different banner ad will appear;
    • Pop Up - Displays on top of site content after page loading. By clicking the Close button, the banner is completely closed. Has additional setting:
      • Popup position - determines where the banner should appear. Has 4 option: Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Top Right, Top Left. The default position is Bottom Right
      • Delay (seconds) - the delay in seconds after which the banner should appear. If empty - the delay will be 3 seconds.
      • Re-appear in (hours) - determines the appearance of the banner on page reload. Any positive number will make banner re-appear after thet amount of hours after the first appearance. Set 0 to display banner on every reload of the page. Set -1 to display banner only once. If empty - the default value of 24 hours will be used.
    • Lightbox Pop Up - Similar to the Pop-up but displayed over the whole page. Has additional setting:
      • Delay (seconds) - the delay in seconds after which the banner should appear. If empty - the delay will be 3 seconds.
      • Re-appear in (hours) - determines the appearance of the banner on page reload. Any positive number will make banner re-appear after thet amount of hours after the first appearance. Set 0 to display banner on every reload of the page. Set -1 to display banner only once. If empty - the default value of 24 hours will be used.
      • Close button - set the custom close button text. If empty - the default button will be used.
      • Mask Color - choose the color of the mask for banner. If empty - the default masc will be used, which is rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);
    • Slider - Displays multiple banners in one placeholder. This type of placeholder supports swiping. Has Additional settings:
      • Autoplay - enable/disable automatic banners swiping.
      • Autoplay timeout (seconds) - the delay in seconds between changing slides (banners).
      • Loop - enable/disable looping the slider (display first slide after the last one).
      • Show Prev/Next Buttons - enable/disable navigation buttons.
      • Prev Button,Next Button - set custom navigation buttons. If any of Prev or Next button or both are empty the default buttons will be used.
      • Show paging buttons - enable/disable paging buttons


        All additional setting will have effect only if 2 or more banners are present in the Slider placeholder.


There are two formats Use predefined position set Yes or No.

If set No, there is available only:

  • Position with Syntax: layout/container/before/after
    Example: catalog_product_view/

If set Yes, the following settings are available:

  • Display on - defines a page where banners will be displayed, for example, All pages, Shopping Cart, Product page, and others.
  • Container - specifies a particular place on page to dispay banner, use a debug mode to simplify positioning.
  • Before - special field, which helps to place the placeholder before all other elements in the container, use "-" to implement it.

Display Conditions

At the Conditions tab, you will see a conditional block, which allows you to set attributes, to which Promo Banners should be applied.

Attributes can be different for each store - depends on whether the attribute participates Cart Attributes or Product Attribute or Page Attributes. It has a number of options apart from Magento's default options (leave the conditions blank if you want to apply for all products).

Use Action name, if you want to display banners on CMS pages, Category or Product, Checkout Cart pages. Use URI if you want to display banners on the particular pages, for example, Sale, Blog, or Landing pages.