In this article, you will find two possible ways to install our extension.
Installation via composer (preferably)
We recommend this installation method because the composer automatically checks and installs necessary dependencies.
Back up ...
Quick StartQuick Start
As you have completed the installation of Advanced Reports, we will guide you through the main steps required to start using our extension efficiently.
Please open and configure your first Advanced Dashboard (Magento Main Menu > Dashbo...
General ConfigurationsGeneral Configurations
All configurations of the Advanced Reports extension are located at Stores -> Configuration -> Mirasvit Extensions -> Advanced Reports.
The extension has only one setting - Order Status. This setting defines which order sta...
Managing ReportsManaging Reports
Reports Overview
The Advanced Reports extension offers a comprehensive range of tools for analyzing and improving sales through a variety of reports. This extension enables the display of composite reports for all websites, as well as sep...
Predefined ReportsPredefined Reports
The Advanced Reports extension comes with a bunch of predefined reports that will be helpful to monitor and analyze sales data for most Magento stores.
Predefined reports are separated into groups according to their purposes:
Sales Re...
Custom ReportsCustom Reports
This section provides a few common reports built with the Report Builder tool.
You can find out how to exact the configuration reports in our demo.
Low Stock Report
The Magento 2 Low Stock Report contains a list of all products with a stoc...
Report BuilderReport Builder
The Report Builder is an innovative tool that enables users to modify existing reports or create their own customized reports.
The Report Builder is available for both pre-defined and custom reports. The only difference is that pre-defined ...
Config BuilderConfig Builder
Predefined reports provided by the extension and Report Builder can cover most cases for analyzing sales in a simple Magento store.
However, the real stores and types of items they sell may require more advanced and flexible tools to analyz...
Quick Access and SharingQuick Access and Sharing
The Advanced Reports extension offers the convenience of accessing report data without the need to log into the admin panel.
Get real-time data that is always up-to-date, share valuable stock information with your vendors, or impo...
Access RestrictionsAccess Restrictions
The Advanced Reports extension provides the ability to configure Access Restrictions for admin users using Magento ACL.
Access to each report created in the extension can be restricted separately, even for custom reports.
You can also ...
Adding Blocks to the DashboardAdding Blocks to the Dashboard
The Advanced Reports extension provides you with the ability to create custom dashboards to display almost any metrics from your store.
Create multiple dashboards with different widgets to quickly analyze your store activity...
Email NotificationsEmail Notifications
Our Advanced Reports extension allows you to create rich reports and send them via email as annual documents.
You can create such an email-based report from Reports -> Advanced Reports -> Email Notifications.
How to Create Email ...
Command Line InterfaceCommand Line Interface
Usage: php -f bin/magento [options]
mirasvit:report:export [options] - export report.
The extension will generate a file with the report under the [root_store_path]/var/export folder.
The name of the file with the report will have...
This section describes the most common problems that customers report and how they can be resolved:
I do not want the Advanced Dashboard to be the default startup page
No valid keys error
How can I translate columns' labels
My state, provin...
How to upgrade the extensionHow to upgrade the extension
To upgrade the extension, take the following steps:
Back up your store's database and web directory.
Log in to your server's SSH console and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store.
Update the current extension ...
Disabling ExtensionDisabling Extension
Temporarily Disable
To temporarily disable the extension, please take the following steps:
Log in to your server's SSH console and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store.
Disable the extension:
php -f bin/magento...
Change LogChange Log
Fixed the issue with incorrect Gross Margin and Gross Profit calculation
Incorrect totals for columns with AVG aggregator
Fixed the issue with tax amount in the Sales by Tax Rates report whe...