
Score Boost Rules

Score Boost Rules are a powerful tool, which allows you to influence the relevancy of search results, depending on certain conditions.

When the Mirasvit Search extension builds search results, it groups them by indexes' position and their position in System -> Search Management -> Settings -> Search Autocomplete -> Searchable Content. Groups can include Products, Pages, Categories and so on - they can be defined in System -> Search Management -> Search Indexes.

However, inside these groups items are listed strictly by their relevance to search query, which is calculated for each item separately as item rank. The position in a search results list is dependent on this rank value.

Score Boost Rules allows you to increase or decrease this rank depending on item properties, which allow you to move certain products to the top or botton of a list, which can be extremely useful for promotion and marketing purposes.

Creating a new Rule

To create a new Score Boost Rule, navigate to System -> Search Management -> Score Boost Rules section and press Add New Rule button.

You need to define the following properties to create a Rule:

  • Title - internal title of the Rule
  • Active - whether the Rule is active and should be applied to Search Results
  • Active (date) - a time period, when the Rule should apply to Search Results. Leave this field empty to have the Rule always be applicable.
  • Store - storeviews, where the current Rule should be applicable.
  • Score Factor - score adjustment, which should be added or subtracted from the rating, generated by a search engine.
    • Action - the action that should be performed. It can have only two possible values.
      • Increase By
      • Decrease By
    • Rank Adjustment - the numerical value, which should be added or subtracted from rating.
    • Metric - defines, how Rank Adjustment shall be used for adjustment. It can have two possible values:
      • Points - in this case, Rank Adjustment is just added to the actual rating.
      • Times - in this case, the actual rating is multiplied by Rank Adjustment. It is used to rocket-jump products to the top (for example, promotional products).
    • Parameter - defines which rating shall be adjusted by the Rule.
      • Initial Score - the rating which was generated by search engine.
      • Product Popularity - the popularity rating, which is defined as the quantity of orders of products that meet conditions below.
      • Product Rating - product rating, that is defined as quantity of reviews for products, that meet conditions below


  • Apply the rule only for the following products - allows you to define which combination of products makes the Rule apply.


    To add additional conditions please go to Stores - Attributes - Product, select a necessary attribute, for example, SKU, open edition in the tab Storefront Properties, and set Yes for the Use for Promo Rule Conditions, clean Magento cache after saving.

These conditions use the same pattern, as with other rules in Magento 2, and are enclosed into logical blocks If ALL of these conditions are TRUE/FALSE (the products meet conditions, when all of them apply) or If ANY of these conditions are TRUE/FALSE (product shall meet only one of defined conditions).

Here are few useful examples that demonstrate how the Score Boost Rules work.


  • Erin Recommends Promo

    This example allows you to move products that were recommended by your editorial board (defined here by the custom attribute Erin Recommends), to the top of the search results.

    Title: Erin Recommends Promo Score Factor: Increase by 10 points Initial Score Apply the rule only for the following products:

    • Erin Recommends is Yes


  • Analog Watches to the End

    This rule drops all analog watches to the very bottom when a customer search includes the "watch" keyword.

    Title: Analog Watches to End Score Factor: Decrease by 2 times Initial Score Apply the rule only for the following products:

    • Product Name contains analog


  • New Products Promo

    This example allows you to lift promotional products higher on the list than others, but not necessarily at the top.

    Title: New Products Promo Score Factor: increase by 5 points Initial Score Apply the rule only for the following products:

    • New is Yes