Improved Sorting

How To


How can I translate the sorting label to different languages

The extension uses the same logic for translations as default Magento. More details:

Our i18n files should be located at: vendor/mirasvit/module-sorting/src/Sorting/i18n/

Create a separate file for your language (en_US.csv, de_DE.csv). The names for all languages can be found via this command:

php -f bin/magento info:language:list

Override the strings in your dictionary file:

"Original line" , "Translated line"

Run this command to see the changes:

php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php -f bin/magento cache:flush

The custom themes will be displayed instead of the default for your language.

How can I set different sorting criteria for my categories?

You can use different sorting criteria for different categories. To do this, go to Catalog > Categories > YourCategoryName > Display Settings > Available Product Listing Sort By and set the required sorting criteria for this category.

Also, you can set default sorting for this category. Please use the Default Product Listing Sort By option.