Image editor interface
The interface of image editor split in 2 areas - Preview area and Configuration toolbar
Preview area
The preview area is the place when you can see the original images and all generated ones, compare images by viewing them by clicking on corresponded miniatures, delete unnecessary images, and choose the image to replace the original one with it.
All generated images available for viewing/comparing until they are saved or removed. This means if you generate images and close the editor without saving those images you'll see them again when you open for editing corresponded original image.
The extension also remembers setting of each generated images before those images are saved. Settings for each generated image will be restored in the Configuration toolbar when you click on image thumbnail.
Configuration toolbar
This is the section when you choose how the generated images should look like.
It has 2 tabs - Basic and Advanced with their own combinations of settings.
The pricing for each generated image depends on the group of settings.
More information about the pricing can be found here.
Also check the section "If I subscribe to a Basic plan can I make Plus calls and vice versa?" in the "You asked, we answered" section of that page.
Basic settings
This combination of setting is designed mostly for removing the image background or replacing it with the single color.
Here are the setting available in this edit mode:
- Background color: choose the background color of generated image or leave it empty for removing background. When this field is empty and the Generated image format is set to PNG the generated image will have a transparent background. JPG format does not support the transparent background so the white background will be generated instead.
- Image size: the maximum size of the generated image. Generated image can't be larger than the original image. Allowed options: Preview (0.25 MP), Medium (1.5 MP), HD (4 MP), Full (36 MP)
- Crop image: defines whether the empty areas of the image should be cropped or not.
- Generated image format: select the format of generated image. Available output formats: PNG, JPG. By default, the format is set to the format of the original image.
If the format of the image changed the original image can't be replaced with such generated image.
Advanced settings
This combination of settings gives much more abilities to edit images such as replacing background with the image or generate it by AI, adjust the position of the main object of the image, change image size with more precision, remove text from the image.
Here are the setting available in this edit mode:
- Background: allows you to manage the background of the image in different ways.
- Remove: remove the background. If the image format is set to PNG the resulting image will have a transparent background, otherwise - white background.
- Original: keep the original background unchanged.
- Single color: choose the color of new background. With this option an additional field appears where you can select the color - Background color.
- Uploaded image: replace the background with uploaded image. This option have 2 additional settings:
- Image uploader: for uploading the image that will be used as a new background.
- Background scaling: defines how the background image should be positioned:
- Fill - the background image will auto-adjust to the original image size (or configured one) to avoid empty areas in the background.
- Fit - the whole uploaded image will be used as the background by downscaling it to the original image size (or configured one). The background image will be at the center of the generated image.
tipPrepare the size (or at least dimensions) of the background image to match the size of expected generated image to avoid empty areas in the generated image
- AI generated: generate the background image with AI by adding the text prompt describing the scene on the background image.
noteThe same prompt most likely produce different background image on every generated image
- Image size: choose the size of generated image. This setting has 3 possible options:
- Original: keep the size of the original image. If the setting Crop image enabled the cropped image will upscale to the size of the original image.
- Cropped: defines whether the areas around the main object of the image should be cropped or not. Applicable only if the Crop image is set to Yes.
- Custom: allows to define the size of generated image in pixels.
- Crop image: defines whether the areas around the main object of the image should be cropped or not.
- Image scaling: defines how the main object of the image should fit on the generated image. Most helpful when custom image size is used.
- Vertical alignment: vertical position of the main object of the image.
- Horizontal alignment: horizontal position of the main object of the image.
- Generated image format: select the format of generated image. Available output formats: PNG, JPG. By default, the format is set to the format of the original image.
If the format of the image changed the original image can't be replaced with such generated image.
- Padding: to add some space between the main object and the borders of the result image. Padding can be set in relative values (0.25 or 25%, max value is 49%) or in pixels (50px). This setting is not available for cropped images.
- Margin: margin around main object of the image. Applicable even on cropped images. Can be set in relative values (0.25 or 25%, max value is 49%) or in pixels (50px).
- Shadow: manage the shadow from the main object. Disabled to not use this feature or choose one of the available options (Soft, Hard, Floating) so the AI will add a shadow of the main object to the result image.
- Remove text: defines whether the AI should remove the text from the image and how it should do it:
- Disable: text will not be removed
- Artificial text: text added on an image through post-precessing, such as company name, watermarks, discount, etc., will be removed.
- Natural text: text that naturally occurs in an image such as writing on buildings or clothing, etc., will be removed.
- All: both artificial and natural text will be removed.