Mirasvit AI Assistant

General Settings


OpenAI Secret Key

Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Mirasvit extensions > AI Assistant > General. Paste the API key into the field OpenAI Secret Key in order to use the artificial intellect in your store.


The AI Assistant extension accesses ChatGPT via an API. You need to sign up for a ChatGPT account in order to obtain the OpenAI secret key.

Generate the OpenAI secret API key on page platform.openai.com/account/api-keys. Click Create new secret key and copy the key.


Using ChatGPT API costs money, which are billed from your ChatGPT account. The total pricing depends on the number of tokens generated by this language model. Refer to openai.com/api/pricing/ for more info on prices.

OpenAI Model

Choose a most suitable language models for you to utilize. AI Assistant works via text-davinci-003 or gpt-3.5-turbo anguage models.

  • gpt-3.5-turbo is optimized for chat. It is considered by OpenAI as a most capable GPT-3.5 model, and its price is 1/10th the cost of text-davinci-003. Maximal support input is 4 096 tokens. It was trained on data existing before Sep 2021.
  • text-davinci-003 is suited for any language task. It is configured for longer output of better quality and consistent instruction-following. Its input can be up to 4 097 tokens. Its trained on data before Jun 2021.