Store Credit & Refund

Earning Rules

The Earning Rules allow you to award customers for placing an order with an additional monetary amount, which will go directly to his/her account and can be used immediately on the next placed order.

It is a powerful promotional tool that can be used for different actions - as you can see in the Examples subsection below.

Creating Earning Rule

To create an Earning Rule, go to the Sales -> Store Credit -> Earning Rules section, and perform the following steps:

  1. Press the Add New Rule button, and fill in the basic fields:
    • Rule Name - a logical name of the rule.
    • Websites - select the store view.
    • Is Active - whether this rule should be activated after creation.
    • Customer Groups - groups of customers who are eligible for this Earning Rule.
  2. Jump to the Conditions & Actions tab, and set the earning parameters in the Actions subsection:
    • Cashback Type - earning strategy. There can be two possible cases:
      • Amount per product - the customer is awarded a fixed amount, deposited to his/her Store Credit balance.
      • Percent of item amount in order - the customer is awarded an amount, equal to a percentage, calculated from the subtotal by a particular item.
    • Cashback Amount - depending on a strategy that was selected in the previous option, it can contain either a fixed monetary amount or corresponding percentage of the subtotal.
  3. If the customer should be awarded only on purchasing a particular product, you can use the Conditions tab to set these products.

    • How to use conditions in Earning Rules

      Let's take a look at this screenshot and describe the condition from top to bottom: create_product.png

      Each rule has four possible global modes of applying conditions in the respective Conditions tab, shown in the special header If *[apply mode]* of these conditions are *[validation mode]*:

      Applying modes define when rule shall be triggered:

      • ALL - implies which rule will be executed only when all conditions were strictly met;
      • ANY - implies which rule will be executed only when one or more (but not all) conditions were met;

      Validation modes define which results can produce each condition to be counted as "met":

      • TRUE - implies that conditions should be valid.
      • FALSE - implies that conditions should be invalid.

      These modes allow for creating a flexible condition set to satisfy a policy of any complexity.

      Conditions are added using a green [+] button, each of which has the same scheme: [property] [operator] [check value]. There are two possible properties:

      • Category - the category that the product should belong to.
      • SKU - the SKU that the product should have

      Operator is the type of check that should be performed to validate a rule. These are the following operators available:

      • is - arithmetic operator of equality (==)
      • is not - arithmetic operator of non-equality (!=)
      • equals of greater then - arithmetic operator >=
      • equals or less then - arithmetic operator <=
      • greater then - arithmetic operator >
      • less then - arithmetic operator <
      • contains - special operator, which works differently. If the check value is an array (should display as a drop-down menu), then the operator will search for check value in this array. If a value is the string or can be evaluated to the string, the operator will treat check value as a substring to locate.
      • does not contain - the same as above, but with a negative result
      • is one of - special operator, which works with a user-defined comma-separated array as check value. If this operator is used, then the condition is valid when the actual value of property exists in a defined array. If the property itself is a selection-type (SKU or Category, for example), then the dialog popup will appear to select elements of the user-defined array.
      • is not one of - the same as above, but with a negative result

      Check value is a value, to which the operator will be applied, as selected in the previous step. Both properties mentioned above allow for interactive selection.

Earning Rules Examples

  • Deposit $10 to the credit on each purchase

    The customer will receive $10 whenever he/she completes an order.

    • General Information:
      • Is Active: Yes
      • Customer Groups: All
    • Conditions & Actions:
      • Earning Type: Fixed
      • Earning Amount: 10
  • 25% of each purchase cashback to the credit

    Whenever a customer places an order, 25% of his/her payment is deposited to his/her Store Credit balance.

    • General Information:
      • Is Active: Yes
      • Customer Groups: All
    • Conditions & Actions:
      • Earning Type: Percent of item amount in order
      • Earning Amount: 25
  • Deposit 10% of the amount spent for featured products to the Store Credit

    Whenever a customer buys promoted or new products, 10% of his/her payment is deposited to his/her Store Credit balance.

    • General Information:
      • Is Active: Yes
      • Customer Groups: All
    • Conditions & Actions:
      • Conditions: Category is one of 38, 29 (ID's of categories Sales and What's New)
      • Earning Type: Percent of item amount in order
      • Earning Amount: 25
  • Deposit $20 for each purchase of a product with blue coloring

    Whenever a customer purchases a configurable product with blue coloring, he/she receives $20 to Store Balance.

    • General Information:
      • Is Active: Yes
      • Customer Groups: All
    • Conditions & Actions:
      • Conditions: SKU contains blue
      • Earning Type: Fixed
      • Earning Amount: 20

    Note: Operator contains ignores the register, so SKU with both Blue and blue suffixes will be selected.