Store Credit & Refund

Store Credit Settings

This section describes all settings that you can use for configuring your crediting and refunding policy.

They are located at Sales -> Store Credit -> Settings and divided into the following subsections:

General Settings

Option Description
Share Customer Balances Global - means that customer balance stores in base store currency and all other currencies convert to the base currency, i.e., all currencies have the same balance.

Per Currency - means that the customer has a separate balance for each currency.

For example, you have a multistore and want the currency of store credit to be converted - Global option

To merge non-base currency balances into the base currency balance, use the console command bin/magento mirasvit:credit:merge-balances
Enable Refund To Store Credit (the default value for credit memo) Enables refunding to the Store Credit balance
Auto apply Store Credit for the shopping cart Allow for automatically applying the maximum possible amount from the Store Credit balance to the cart
Enable Sending Credit to Customer Enables/disables the possibility of sending credits to other customers. Important Note: After changing this option, you need to purge your cache.
Enable Quick Data Bar Activates the display on the Transactions page of the store admin the bar with info on credits: total balance, received, spent, transactions. Choose the time period for the displayed data from the drop-down menu on this bar.

Store Credit Calculation

Option Description
Include tax to Store Credit Includes taxes, when applying a credit amount to the order total
Include shipping to Store Credit Includes shipping fees (if any selected), when applying a credit amount to the order total
The order of Store Credit applying Ability/ priority to change the order of Store Credit's applications

Email Notification Settings

Option Description
Email Sender Sets the email that will be set as the sender the of Store Credit's email notification. It is selected as one of standard, listed in Configuration -> General -> Store Email Addresses.
Enable balance update email Allow for sending a notification to the customer, when his/her Store Credit balance is updated.
Template of Balance Update Email Sets a template for a notification, which is enabled/disabled above. More info can be found in the How-To corresponding subsection.


These options are useful for stores that have non-standard Order and Credit Memo numbering. They are used for correct parsing of the Order and Credit Memo numbers in the Store Credit transactions of the customer's account.

Option Description
Order Pattern PHP regular expression for stores that use non-standard order numbers
Credit Memo Pattern PHP regular expression for stores that use non-standard Credit Memo numbers
Allow for selection of payment method for zero orders Control the visibility of payment methods when credits are used.