Store Credit & Refund

GraphQL Objects Reference

Cart object


The Cart object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
credit CartCredit Store credit information for cart

CartCredit object

Defines store credit information for cart

The CartCredit object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
amount Money .
is_applied Boolean .

Customer object

The Customer object defines the customer name and address and other details.

The Customer object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
credit Credit Store credit information for customer

Credit object

Contains customer store credit information

The Credit object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
balance CreditBalance .
transactions [CreditTransaction] .

CreditBalance object

Contains store credit balance information

The CreditBalance object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
amount Money Current balance
currency_code String Currency Code

CreditTransaction object

Defines store credit transaction information

The CreditTransaction object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
action String .
balance_amount Money .
balance_delta Money .
created_at String .
currency_code String .
is_notified Boolean .
message String .
transaction_id Int .

Mutation object


The Mutation object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
applyCreditToCart ApplyCreditToCartOutput Apply store credit to the cart

ApplyCreditToCartInput object

Defines the input to the run applyCreditToCart mutation

The ApplyCreditToCartInput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
amount Float The amount of Store Credit
cart_id String! The unique ID that identifies the customer's cart

ApplyCreditToCartOutput object

Defines the output for the applyCreditToCart mutation

The ApplyCreditToCartOutput object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Description
cart Cart! Describes the contents of the specified shopping cart