
Getting Started

Welcome to the Fakebook Marketing documentation.

Whether you are a new or an advanced user, you can find some useful information here.

Go ahead, dive in!

Firstly, please, find our extension in My Downloadable Products section of our store. Learn how to install extension.

How to install the extension

How to install the extension How to install the extension using composer Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to the SSH console on your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Copy the installation instruction...

Quick Start

Quick Start Our Facebook Marketing for Magento 2 is a simple, yet powerful extension that allows you to track the shopping behavior of your customers. Gathered data is supplied through the Google Tag Manager service to Google Enhanced Ecommerce analytics...

How to upgrade extension

How to upgrade extension To upgrade the extension, follow these steps: Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Update the extension with all depend...

Disabling the Extension

Disabling the Extension Temporarily Disable To temporarily disable the extension please follow these steps: Login to the SSH console on your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Disable the extension: php -f bin/magento m...


1.0.15 (2024-08-27) Fixed Return value must be of type ?string, bool returned in FbMarketing/Service/UserDataApiParams.php 1.0.14 (2024-07-12) Improvements Added new "Search" event 1.0.13 (2024-07-10) Fixed Either remote URL or hashable c...