Help Desk MX

Custom Fields

Help Desk MX allows you to create custom fields. You can use them to store any additional information about tickets. You can set it up where you would like to show some custom fields, and can filter and search tickets by custom fields.

Creating New Custom Field

To create a new custom field, go to the Customers > Help Desk MX > Custom Fields, and press the button Add New. You will see the following properties:

  • Title - Name of the field.
  • Code - Internal code of the field. It can contain only letters, digits, and the underscore.
  • Type - Field's type. The following types are possible:
    • Text - One line text field.
    • Multi-line text - Multiple lines text field (textarea).
    • Date - Date with calendar.
    • Checkbox
    • Drop-down list
  • Description - Field's description.
  • Options list - Used only for fields with the 'drop-down list' type. Enter each value from the new line using the format:
    value1 | label1
    value2 | label2
  • Active
  • Sort Order
  • Show value in customer account - If the option is enabled, the field's value will be shown in the customer's account (ticket's page).
  • Show in creating ticket form - If the option is enabled, the field will be shown in the customer's account (create new ticket form).
  • Show in contact-us form - If the option is enabled, the field will be shown in the contact form and the feedback tab.
  • Required for customers - If the option is enabled, customers will be required to fill in this field when they create a new ticket.
  • Required for staff - If the option is enabled, agents will be required to fill in this field when they create a new ticket or reply.
  • Stores

Custom fields can also be used in email templates by their codes. For a detailed description, see the How to customize email notifications template section.