Help Desk MX


To work correctly, the Help Desk MX requires you to have at least one department where all staff members are registered.

Creating a New Department

To create a new department, go to the Customers > Help Desk MX > Departments backend page. Press the button Add New. You will see the following properties in two sections:

General Information

  • Title - name of the department.
  • Is Active - whether the department is active.
  • Is Shown at the Frontend - If the option is enabled, customers can select this Department upon submitting new tickets.
  • Sort Order - sort order, in which departments are shown in drop-down selection menus.
  • Sender Email - Email address will be used as From when a member of this department replies to a ticket, so the customer can directly reply to email notifications. Such replies will be automatically fetched and added to tickets only when the corresponding mailbox is registered as a Gateway.
  • Members of Department - List of agents assigned to a department. They are regular backend users, defined at System -> Permissions -> All Users. The agent can also be registered in multiple departments.
  • Stores - Sets the store's view or views where this department shall be used for assigning tickets.


  • If a ticket is unassigned, send notifications to all department members - If this option is activated, all agents (all agents in all departments) will receive notifications (i.e., new messages) about unassigned tickets (including notifications about new tickets).

  • If a ticket is unassigned, send some notifications via email (deprecated) - You can receive notifications (new messages) about unassigned tickets (including notifications about new tickets) via email.