Help Desk MX

Configuration Settings

Go to the Customers > Help Desk MX > Settings. There you will find all Help Desk MX setting, divided into the following sections:

General Settings

It contains the most available options you can use for global Help Desk configuration.

Option Description
Helpdesk title in the customer account Sets the ticket page header that is visible for the customer in their account on the frontend.
Priority for new tickets Sets the default priority for new tickets.
Status for new tickets Sets the default status for new tickets.
Sign staff replies This option allows you to specify how the agent's replies should be signed. Help Desk can sign them using the agent's name, or the name of the agent's department.
Move Ticket to Archive if it has one of the following statuses Option allows you to place solved tickets into the archives solved- e.g., you can automatically move tickets to the archive with the status Closed.
Lock Ticket if it has one of following statuses When activated, the customer cannot add a new message to the ticket. Choose the ticket status for the option to automatically lock tickets with the selected status.
Create Tickets from the Contact Us form If the option is enabled, Help Desk will replace the default Magento contact form (/contacts/) with the Help Desk contact form. This form has additional fields and allows you to create a new ticket when the customer posts a message.
Send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of all emails to Here you can enter a comma-separated list of emails. The Help Desk will send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of all outgoing emails using the email addresses.
Use WYSIWYG Editor in backend Allows for a rich text editor in backend messages and dictionary forms options. After setting this option, you need to purge the cache to apply the options changed and make the editor appear or disappear.
Show previous/next button at the backend ticket edit page Allows you to jump from ticket to ticket using two additional buttons on the toolbar - Previous Ticket and Next ticket.
Use the default Magento cron If the option is enabled, the default Magento cron will be used. To set up a cron job, follow this manual.
Allow customer to open ticket by unique URL (without additional authentication) A button "Show source" appears when customer hovers over a reply in a ticket in his acccount. The "Show source" button has a direct link to the reply.
Auto-removing old attachments Enables automatic removal of files attached to ticket messages.
Remove attachments older than, days Set the threshold in days for the automatic removal of attachments.
Only allow upload of attachments with extensions Sets a list of filetypes alowed for uploading in the ticket.
Tickets autosave period, sec Specify in seconds a time period for the ticket reply to be autosaved.
Show Help Desk link in customer menu A link to the Helpdesk page is placed in the customer menu dropdown on the frontend.
Show Quick Data Bar in admin ticket grid Уnables the tickets grid page i admin to display a data block with recent statistics on tickets. It shows the number of current admin tickets (My Tickets), the total number of tickets, ticket statistics for each admin, and the number of open, closed, and in-progress tickets.
Show User Activity Data Bar in admin ticket grid Enables the tickets grid page in the backend to display statistics on tickets per admin at the bottom.
Store attachments in Sets storage place for the ticket attachments.
Only allow the upload of attachments with extensions Lets you block forbidden files in the attachments for ticket's messages. The blocked files' names will be displayed in red, so you can request this file again.
Tickets autosave period, sec Governs autosaving of message form on the Ticket Edit form. On heavy-loaded systems can cause productivity loss - in this case, place empty value here or increase this value to 500-600 secs.

Feedback Tab

This section governs a special pop-up dialog activated at the side button "Contact Us" button, visible on each store page. The pop-up enables the customer to submit a ticket with a source link to the page from where it was placed. The Feedback Tab is a convenient way to post a guest ticket or a ticket about a particular product or service page.

Option Description
Enable Feedback Tab If the option is enabled, Help Desk will show a Feedback Tab at the side of each frontend page.
Assign to Department Sets default department for new tickets created via Feedback Tab.
Tab Color Sets the color of the Feedback Tab.
Tab Title Sets the title of the Feedback Tab.
Tab Position Sets the position of Feedback Tab ( at the left or right side of your store).
Form Title Sets the title of the popup window.
Subject Title Sets the title of field 'Subject'
Subject Placeholder Sets placeholder of field 'Subject'
Description Title Sets the title of field 'Description'
Description Placeholder Sets the placeholder of the field 'Description'
Allow customer to attach files Enable or disable the ability to attach files
Allow customers to select Priority Enable or disable the ability to set the priority
Allow customer to select Department Enable or disable the ability to select the department
Search Knowledge Base Topics first A store-based setting can be used when Mirasvit Knowledge Base is installed, and integration enabled. Then, just the prior ticket submission customer will be presented with search results of their inquiry in Knowledge Base articles.

Email Notification Settings

This section governs templates which are used for email notifications. Each option corresponds with a specific type of email sent to customers or staff on a certain event.

Option Description
Show Ticket ID in the email title If the option is enabled, the email subject will contain a ticket ID (e.g. [#VEP-728-96190] Email subject here..)
Add customers Cc emails to the ticket Enables sending a CC email. Warning: If option is enabled spam CC email is possible.
The Number of last replies to be shown in the ticket history When a customer receives a reply from an agent, the email includes a conversation history. You can limit the number of last replies to the history using this option. If you set it to 0, you will completely hide the history.
Template of New Ticket Email for Customers' When a customer creates a new ticket, he or she receives an email with confirmation. This option sets a template for this email.
Template of New Ticket Email for Staff When the customer creates a new ticket, the agent receives an email notifying the agent about the new ticket. This option sets a template for an email.
Template of New Message Email for Customers' When the agent replies to a ticket, the customer receives an email with this reply. This option sets a template for this email.
Template of New Message Email for Staff When a customer replies to a ticket, the agent receives an email with this reply. This option sets a template for this email.
Template of New Message Email for a Third-Party This option sets a template for an email that an agent sends to 3rd party users.
Template of Ticket Reminder This option sets a template for an email that the Help Desk reminder sends to an agent.
Template of Rule Notification This option sets a template for an email that can be sent using the Help Desk Workflow Rules.
Template of Survey Satisfaction Result This option sets a template of an email that allows a customer to rate the quality of the agent's reply.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

The satisfaction survey is an additional block displayed both on email notifications and in messages in frontend. It features three base rate classes and allows you to measure the clients' satisfaction level.

Option Description
Include a satisfaction survey in the reply email from staff members Includes a satisfaction block to the email notifications, sent after staff have submitted a message to the ticket.
Show survey results in the frontend ticket history Enables the customer to view the satisfaction rating they provided in their account.
Show survey results in the backend ticket history Enables display of customer satisfaction rates (per message) in the backend ticket Edit page.
Send survey results to the ticket owner If the option is enabled, the store agent will receive a result of the customer's support rate for their reply.
Send survey results to emails Sets emails that will receive the results of the support survey. You can enter multiple emails separated by a comma.

Customer Account

It contains options that manage a policy of ticket submission for registered customers.

Option Description
Show the Help Desk section in the Customer Account If the option is enabled, customers will see a Help Desk section in the customer account of the store.
Allow customers to select Priority If the option is enabled, customers can select a priority for a new ticket.
Allow customers to select Department If the option is enabled, customers can select a department for a new ticket.
Allow customers to select Order If the option is enabled, customers can select an order for a new ticket.
Allow customers to attach files Enable/disable the ability to attach files


This section contains only one option - Solved Statuses. This list box allows you to set custom ticket Statuses, which will be used by the Help Desk MX reporting subsystem to determine how many tickets were resolved for a certain period.

Ticket reports can be seen at Customers -> Help Desk MX -> Reports.

Working Hours

The section contains the Working Hours display options. For more information on this topic, see Working Hours

Option Description
Show online/offline status on the Contact Us page If this option is enabled, customers will see your store's status on the Contact Us page.
Show online/offline status in the Feedback popup If this option is enabled, customers will see your store's status in the Feedback popup.
Show online/offline status in the Customer Account > My Tickets If the option is enabled, customers will see your store's status in the Customer Account > My Tickets.
Default message when we are open Default message when we are open. Can be overwritten for each schedule in Customers > Help Desk MX > Working Hours.
Default message when we are closed Default message when we are closed. Can be overwritten for each schedule in Customers > Help Desk MX > Working Hours. You can use the variable [time_left_to_open]
Show the working hours on the Contact Us page If the option is enabled, customers will see the Working Hours of your store on the Contact Us page.
Show the holiday schedule X days before activation The number of days to display holiday schedule before activation
Working schedule title Title of Working Hours block on the Contact Us page
Upcoming working schedule title Title of Upcoming Working Hours block on the Contact Us page

Developer Settings

Normally, these options should be used only in a staging environment. Make sure that they are turned off after moving to production. For example, if Sandbox remains enabled, customers won't receive any email notification.

Option Description
Activate Sandbox If the option is enabled, the Help Desk will not send any email to your customers. All emails will be sent to the sandbox email.
Send All Outgoing emails to Email Specifies a sandbox email (see previous option).
Force store's theme to apply styles If a store theme overrides the Magento way of including styles, this option will add Help Desk styles to the page.
Log ticket deletion This option logs ticket deletion in file /var/log/mirasvit/helpdesk.log

Notification Settings

This section manages desktop notifications used for real-time information about the ticket's arrival or update. On heavy-loaded systems, this can cause production loss - so in this case, you need to disable this feature, or increase the check period to 500-600 secs.

Option Description
Notifications check period, sec Frequency of updates checks. Setting to 0 will disable them.
Show notification about the arrival of new tickets for Users to display a notification for.
Enable notification about the arriving new messages in tickets assigned for user If the option is enabled, users will receive notifications about new messages in their tickets.
Enable notification about assigning a ticket to the user If the option is enabled, users will receive notifications about new tickets assigned to them.

Extended Settings

This section manages desktop notifications used for real-time information about the ticket's arrival or update. On heavy-loaded systems, this can cause production loss - so in this case, you need to disable this feature, or increase the check period to 500-600 secs.

Option Description
Help Text This text will be shown under title on "Contact Us" page and "Feedback" tab
Show customer the local time in backend Display the customer's local time in the backend. To ensure the option works correctly, you need to download a timezone database.
Path to GeoLite2 City database Used for determining a customer's timezone by using a timezone file. You can download it here Please enter a full absolute path to the file. E.g. /var/lib/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.
Enable Google reCaptcha This option allows to control Google reCaptcha on Helpdesk pages. Find settings for Google reCaptcha in Configuration > Security > Google reCaptcha.