

Our extension supports multilanguage stores. To translate it, we have used the same logic as default Magento.

General Information

All our translation files are in the "/i18n" folder of each sub-module.

i18n files should be located at:

  • vendor/mirasvit/module-name/src/ModuleName/i18n - if installed via composer;
  • app/code/Mirasvit/ModuleName/i18n - if installed manually.

Create a separate .csv file of your language for our extension. The names of all languages can be found with this command:
php -f bin/magento info:language:list

Override the strings in your dictionary file:

"Original line" , "Translated line"

To avoid rewriting the file with the updating of the module, replace the translation file to your theme directory at app/design/frontend/THEME_VENDOR/theme_name/i18n/lg_LG.csv.
Where lg_LG.csv is a translation file in another locale.

To apply changes run static content deploy :

    rm -rf pub/static/*     
    rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*  
    php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
    php -f bin/magento cache:flush

Example: translate "Sorry, nothing found for" and "Show all results" in Autocomplete:

  1. Open src/SearchAutocomplete/i18n/ directory to find the translation files;
  2. Make a copy of original en_EN.csv file, for example, nl_NL.csv file;
  3. Open nl_NL.csv file for editing;
  • If Fast Mode enabled at the Autocomplete settings

    Change lines as below:
    "Sorry, nothing found for ""%1."" change %1 to %s
    "Show all %1 results →" change %1 to %d

    "Sorry, nothing found for ""%s."", "Sorry niets gevonden voor ""%s.""
    "Show all %d results →", "Toon alle %d resultaten →"

    4) Temporarily disable a Fast mode in the autocomplete settings;
    5) Run static content deploy;
    6) Enable Fast Mode and run Magento reindex.

  • If Fast Mode disabled at the Autocomplete settings

    Change lines as below:

    "Sorry, nothing found for ""%1."", "Sorry niets gevonden voor ""%1.""
    "Show all %1 results →", "Toon alle %1 resultaten →"

    4) Run static content deploy;

Please do not add both kinds of translations in your locale file for a Fast mode enabled and disabled option. It will not work.