Advanced Seo Suite

Import Cross Links

This extension allows you to import Cross Links via CSV files.

Go to Marketing > Advanced SEO Suite > Cross Links and click the button, Import/Export Links.


Click on the Example of CSV file to download an example of the template. If you open the example, you will see the following columns on the first line: keyword, url, url_title, url_target, is_nofollow, max_replacements, sort_order, occurence, is_active, store_id.


Each of these headers are responses for the fields in which you can see if you have created a new auto link or opened an existing one.


Starting with the second line, fill in the values according to the header.


The column keyword is a required field to fill in. Otherwise, CSV files will not be accepted.

If you have already correctly created a CSV file, click on the button Browse and select the file. To apply cross links, click the Save button.


To have a correct autolink import, the CSV file should be created using UTF-8 encoding.