

This settings are located at Stores > Configuration > Mirasvit extensions > Social Login


Option Description
Enabled Enable/Disable the extension in the admin panel. Set to Yes to enable the extension.
Display Mode Display options - buttons or icons.
Show on Preferable page to display Social Login accounts, there are next options: Customer Login Page (before form), Customer Login Page (after form), Customer Create Page (before form), Customer Create Page (after form), Customer Login Popup.
Enable Redirect after login Set Yes to add the link to a particular page where customers will be forwarded once they've logged via any Social Login account.
Set No to
Redirect URL Field for the link to a particular page where customers will be forwarded, available if Enable Redirect after login enabled.

Social Accounts

There is a list of diversity of supported services and Internal statistics for each of the active services. If Social account service enabled there will be an identifier with a number of logged Users through the particular service.
Each Social Service requires to fulfill special data:

Option Description
Enabled Enable/Disable the service. Set to Yes to enable.
Consumer Key (API Key) An encrypted string that can be used when calling certain APIs, can be found in your project of each social service.
Consumer Secret (API Secret) A client secret credentials, will be generated automatically with Consumer Key (API Key).
Redirect URI For use with requests from a web server. This is a path from your application that users are redirected to after they have authenticated. The path will be appended with the authorization code for access. Must have a protocol. Cannot contain URL fragments or relative paths. Cannot be a public IP address.
Position Predefines a display order privilege for each Social Login service on the login page.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a Google App Project here, more details here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a Facebook App Project here and choose Web, more details here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a Twitter App Project here, more details here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a Twitter App Project here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a PayPal App Project here.


To fulfill all necessary data, register a New Client at Manage Clients tab here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create an Amazon App Project here.


To fulfill all necessary data, create a Yahoo App Project here.