Leverage the power of GraphQL with Help Desk MX to seamlessly integrate your store’s support system with external tools, mobile applications, and other services. By connecting Help Desk MX with external systems, your store can efficiently manage customer queries, emails, and offline chat messages from a unified interface. This API helps you streamline support operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive more conversions.
For comprehensive information about GraphQL, refer to the GraphQL developer guide on the Magento DevDocs page.
To begin using GraphQL with Help Desk MX, ensure that the Help Desk MX module is installed on your store. Additionally, the Helpdesk GraphQL module must be installed, which is included with the purchase of Help Desk MX. To install Helpdesk GraphQL module refer to Installing the extension section.
Helpdesk GraphQL objects overview
Customer object
The Customer object allows you to retrieve customer-specific ticket data. This object supports the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
mstHelpdeskTickets | HelpdeskTickets | Fetches the tickets associated with a given customer. You must provide either the customer's information or parameters like external_id or order_id . |
Mutation object
Mutations are used to create, update, or delete resources. In GraphQL, mutations function similarly to POST, PUT, or DELETE requests in REST.
The Mutation object in this module contains the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
mstHelpdeskCreateTicket | MstHelpdeskTicketInput | Creates a new help desk ticket. This attribute is required and cannot be null. |
mstHelpdeskAddMessage | MstHelpdeskMessageInput | Adds a message to an existing ticket. This attribute is required and cannot be null. |
HelpdeskTicketInput input object
The HelpdeskTicketInput object is an input type that contains various fields. It allows users to create and submit tickets with specific details.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
subject | String | The subject line of the ticket. This field is required. |
message | String | The body of the ticket message. This field is required. |
channel | HelpdeskTicketChannel | Indicates the communication channel through which the ticket was submitted. This field is required. |
telephone | String | Customer's phone number. |
current_url | String | The current URL where the ticket was submitted. |
close_ticket | Boolean | Indicates whether the ticket is marked as closed. |
department_id | Int | The ID of the department handling the ticket. |
priority_id | Int | The priority level assigned to the ticket. |
custom_fields | Array | An array of custom field inputs related to the ticket. |
HelpdeskTicketsFilterInput input object
The HelpdeskTicketsFilterInput object allows you to filter tickets based on specific criteria.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
external_id | String | Filters tickets by External ID. |
order_id | Int | Filters tickets by Order ID. |
HelpdeskMessageInput input object
The HelpdeskMessageInput object is used to send messages within a ticket.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
customer_name | String | Name of the guest customer (if applicable). |
customer_email | String | Email address of the guest customer. |
message | String | The message content to be added to the ticket. |
HelpdeskCustomFieldInput input object
The HelpdeskCustomFieldInput object handles custom fields related to tickets.
Field | Data Type | Description |
code | String | The identifier for the custom field. This field is required. |
value | String | The value entered for the custom field. |
HelpdeskTicketsOutput output object
This object provides the output details of tickets fetched from the system. The MstHelpdeskTicketsOutput contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
items | Array | An array of ticket objects. This field is required. |
total_count | Int | Total number of tickets retrieved. |
page_info | SearchResultPageInfo | Pagination information for the search results. |
HelpdeskStatus object
The HelpdeskStatus object provides the current status of a ticket. The MstHelpdeskStatus contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
status_id | Int | The ID of the ticket's current status. This field is required. |
name | String | The name of the ticket's current status. This field is required. |
code | String | The code representing the ticket status. This field is required. |
color | String | The color associated with the ticket's status. This field is required. |
HelpdeskDepartment object
The HelpdeskDepartment object manages department-related data for help desk tickets. The MstHelpdeskDepartment contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
department_id | Int | The ID of the help desk department. This field is required. |
name | String | The name of the help desk department. This field is required. |
HelpdeskPriority Object
The HelpdeskPriority object manages priority data for tickets. The MstHelpdeskPriority contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
priority_id | Int | The ID of the priority level. This field is required. |
name | String | The name of the priority level. This field is required. |
color | String | The color representing the priority level. This field is required. |
HelpdeskTicket object
The HelpdeskTicket object represents individual tickets within the system.The MstHelpdeskTicket contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
subject | String | The subject of the ticket. This field is required. |
code | String | The ticket type code. This field is required. |
priority | MstHelpdeskPriority | Priority data for the ticket. |
status | MstHelpdeskStatus | Current status of the ticket. |
department | MstHelpdeskDepartment | Department handling the ticket. |
customer | Customer | Customer information. |
order | Order | Order information associated with the ticket. |
messages | MstHelpdeskMessages | List of messages associated with the ticket. |
customFields | Array | Array of custom fields related to the ticket. |
HelpdeskMessages object
The HelpdeskMessages object is used to work with the ticket's messages data. The MstHelpdeskMessages contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
items | Array | Array of ticket messages. This field is required. |
page_info | SearchResultPageInfo | Pagination information for messages. |
total_count | Int | Total number of messages in the ticket. |
HelpdeskMessage object
The HelpdeskMessage object is used to work with the message data fields. The MstHelpdeskMessage contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
triggeredBy | MstHelpdeskTriggeredBy | Indicates who triggered the message. This field is required. |
ownerName | String | The name of the person who triggered the message. This field is required. |
text | String | The message content. This field is required. |
createdAt | String | The date and time the message was created. This field is required. |
HelpdeskTicketCustomField object
The HelpdeskTicketCustomField object manages custom fields for tickets. The MstHelpdeskTicketCustomField contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name | MstHelpdeskTriggeredBy | The name of the custom field. This field is required. |
value | String | The value of the custom field. |
HelpdeskCustomFieldsFilterInput object
The HelpdeskCustomFieldsFilterInput object filters custom fields based on visibility.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
is_visible_customer | Boolean |
HelpdeskCustomFieldsOutput object
It is used to output the custom fields. The MstHelpdeskCustomFieldsOutput contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
items | Array of MstHelpdeskCustomField | Represents the custom fields of the ticket The field is non-nullable. |
total_count | Int | Depicts the total number of messages. |
page_info | SearchResultPageInfo | Displays the resulting page of the search. |
HelpdeskCustomField object
Works with the custom fields of the ticket. The MstHelpdeskCustomField contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
name | String | Represents the name of the custom field. The field is non-nullable. |
code | String | Stands for the code marking of the custom field. The field is non-nullable. |
type | String | The type of the custom field data. The field is non-nullable. |
options | Array of MstHelpdeskCustomFieldOption | Options of the custom field. |
description | String | Description of the custom field. The field is non-nullable. |
is_required_customer | Boolean | If the field requires customer actions. The field is non-nullable. |
is_visible_customer | Boolean | If the field is customer visible. The field is non-nullable. |
is_editable_customer | Boolean | If the field can be edited by customer. The field is non-nullable. |
is_visible_contact_form | Boolean | If the field contains customer visible contact form. The field is non-nullable. |
HelpdeskCustomFieldOption object
Sets the options for the custom fields of the ticket. The MstHelpdeskCustomFieldOption contains data with the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
value | String | Represents the value of the custom field option. The field is non-nullable. |
label | String | Stands for the label of the custom field option. The field is non-nullable. |