

Articles are basic building blocks of your Knowledge Base. Each article contains covering of specific topic or question and can be associated with one or more categories.

Managing Articles

All articles are located in Content > Knowledge Base > Articles grid.

It also provides two useful mass actions:

  • Delete - allows to remove selected articles.
  • Update URL - allows to re-generate articles URL without re-saving them. It is extremely useful when experimenting with URL settings and Category Tree.


Depending on Magento's settings, each article URL can have a suffix.

It can be changed or turned off (by setting empty) at Configuration -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimization -> Product URL Suffix option.

Creating a New Article

  1. Go to Content > Knowledge Base > Articles. Click the button Add New Article to bring up creation edit page. It consists of three tabs:
    • General Information
      • Title - title of the articles.
      • Text - contents of the article. It can contain both regular text and HTML-rich content - you can use for that WYSIWYG-editor, which is switched with Show/Hide Editor. In plain mode you can also insert there widgets, images and special variables.
      • URL Key - URL key of the article. It is used in generating final URL of article.
      • Is Active - indicates, whether article is enabled (e. q. displayed in frontend)
      • Sort Order - numeric value, that allow to create custom articles sorting instead of ID-based - for example, bring up promoted or most important ones.
      • Store View - store views where the article should be displayed. Please, note, that if you opted to show article to some storeview - the same should be set in corresponding Category.
      • Author - author of this article. By default contains staff user name, which initially had created article.
      • Text - contents of the article. It can contain both regular text and HTML-rich content - you can use for that WYSIWYG-editor, which is switched with Show/Hide Editor. In the plain mode, you can also insert widgets, images, and special variables there.
      • URL Key - URL key of the article. It is used in generating the final URL of the article.
      • Is Active - indicates, whether the article is enabled (e. q. displayed in frontend)
      • Sort Order - a numeric value that allows you to create custom articles sorting instead of ID-based - for example, bring up promoted or most important ones.
      • Store View - store views where the article should be displayed. Please, note that if you opted to show the article to some store view - the same should be set in the corresponding Category.
      • Author - author of this article. By default contains a staff user's name, which initially had created the article.
      • Are Rich Snippets Enabled? - Enables rich snippets for the current article. To add rich snippets correctly, you should fill in Meta Information for this article.
      • Tags - sets one or more comma-separated tags, which can be used for improving search of the article. Instead of Categories, they can provide additional semantic information. A good guide to tagging can be found here.
      • Categories - sets the Knowledge Base category for the article. You can either select one or more categories from Category Tree or create a new one using the New Category button.


        If an Article has more than one category that the first of them is a Primary category, and its URL-key will be used in the final URL generation.
    • Meta Information
      • Meta Information tab (allows you to set the Meta tags):
      • Meta Title - allows to set the meta title for the current article.
      • Meta Keywords - allows setting meta keywords for the current article.
      • Meta Description - allows you to set a meta description for the current article.
    • Rating
      • Number of Votes - allows you to set the default number of votes for the article.
      • Rating - allows setting the default value of the article's customer rating.
  2. Save the article.


Additionally, each article has a hidden property - Final URL. It is not dynamic, but static - and re-generated on each article save.

Typically it consists of Base URL, set in Settings, Primary Category URL key and Article own key: http://example.com/knowledge-base/planets/venus.html

But if you wish to use the same Article in different store views, each of which has it's own Categories Tree - it will result in the wrong Final URL since Primary Category can be only one. In this case, we recommend you to turn on the option Exclude categories URL-keys from the Article URL. Once it enabled, URL's will be generated only from Article URL keys.

After you enable the option above, use the Update URL mass action from the grid to update all URLs in bulk.