

Categories are the basic structure block, which allows you to organize your articles into a hierarchical structure for each store view you use.

Managing Categories

Unlike Articles, Categories are managed from general edit view, divided into two parts:

  • Category Tree (left pane) - displays the hierarchical structure of currently defined categories.
  • Category Edit Pane (right pane) - allows to instantly edit selected categories.

Category Tree

Category Tree consists of the tree itself, and button pane:

  • Add Root Category - adds a zero-level category. It can be used only once per store view.
  • Add Subcategory - adds a subcategory of lower levels. Read more below.

The category utilizes drag-and-drop functional for moving categories from node to node. Subcategories can be moved in a bundle, e. q. if you move it - all its subnodes will be moved as well.

If you wish to remove a node, then select the proper node, and only then press the Delete button.

Creating a New Category

  1. Go to Content -> Knowledge Base -> Categories.
  2. If you need to add a new zero-level category, press the Add Root Category.
  3. If you need to add a subcategory, press the Add Subcategory button.
  4. On right pane fresh edit form will appear, divided into following sections:

    • General - contains basic information. It is the only mandatory section. All other sections are optional.
      • Title - the title of the category.
      • Is Active - indicates whether the category is enabled and displayed in the frontend.
      • Store View - store views, where this category and its children should be displayed. It appears only for Root Categories.
      • URL Key - URL key of the category, appears only for Subcategories. If not filled manually, it is generated from the title.
    • Design & Content - contains only one field - Content - where you can enter short description of current Category. It can be either plain or HTML-rich (with WYSIWYG editor).
    • Meta Information - contains metadata that will be included to the page and will improve the indexing of the corresponding frontend page. If a similar section in associated, Articles are not filled, category Meta Information will be propagated to Article pages as well.
      • Meta Title - meta title of current category.
      • Meta Keywords - meta keywords of articles from the current category. You can enter multiple keywords, separated with a comma.
      • Meta Description - meta description of articles from the current category.
  5. Press Save Category to add the category to the tree.


Creating a New Category can be quite tricky for stores with multiple store views because the level of subcategory has additional meaning.

Root Category corresponds with a particular store view. So if you have English, French, and German store views, then proper Category Tree should look like this: Category Tree