
Mass Product Action

The extension Mass Product Action starts working right after installation. No manual configuration is required.

Mass Product Action interface

In your Magento admin panel sidebar, navigate to Stores > Catalog > Products. To take mass action on products, select a number of items. At the bottom of the screen, a panel with options for mass product action will appear.


The mass actions provided by this extension are also available in the default Magento drop-down list Actions

With the Mass Product Action module, you can additionally take the following mass actions:

  • Update Category

  • Change Attribute Set

  • Update Related Products

  • Update Up-Sell Products

  • Update Cross-Sell Products

  • Copy Custom Options

  • Update Gallery Images

  • Update Price

  • Copy Attributes

  • Mass Attributes Update

Any of these mass actions can be executed immediately or they can be scheduled for execution by cron. In the latter case, activate the option Execute by cron.

Update Category


You can either assign items to new categories using option Add Categories or remove items from the assigned categories by using the option Remove Categories. Select the categories from the drop-down menu.

Change Attribute Set

Attribute set is a list of certain individual product attributes, which fully describes all of the product’s characteristics.


Press Change Attribute Set and specify the new attribute set for chosen products.

Related products are meant to be purchased in addition to the item the customer is viewing. Default Magento suggests opening the particular product in edit mode, then scrolling down on its page to the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section, and then add Related items to this product.


With Mass Product Action, adding related products can be done much faster due to the following options:

  • Add Related Products. This option adds specified products as related products for chosen items. Specify SKUs of the related products to be added.

  • Remove Related Products. This allows you to remove specified SKU from the list of the related products of the chosen product.

  • Copy Related Products. Use this option to copy the list of related products from a given SKU to the selected product.

  • Apply in both directions. When a group of products must be linked to each other as related products, use this option.

  • Remove all product. Removes all related products for the selected products.

Update Up-Sell Products

Up-sell products are items that are similar, but have some small differences. For example, up-sell products can be of higher quality, be more popular, provide a better profit margin than the item the customer is considering, etc.


The Mass Product Action module offers such bulk actions on the up-sell products:

  • Add Up-Sell Products. This option adds specified products as up-sell products for chosen items. Specify the SKUs of the related products to be added.

  • Remove Up-Sell Products. Removes specified SKUs from the list of the up-sell products of the chosen product.

  • Copy Up-Sell Products. Copies the list of up-sell products from given SKU to the selected product.

  • Apply in both directions. When a group of products must be linked to each other as up-sell products, use this option.

  • Remove all products. Removes all up-sell products for the selected products.

Update Cross-Sell Products

Cross-sell products are offered on the shopping cart page as last-minute purchases before the checkout process begins.


With the Mass Product Action module, the following bulk actions on the cross-sell products are available:

  • Add Cross-Sell Products. This option adds specified SKUs as cross-sell products for chosen items.

  • Remove Cross-Sell Products. Removes specified SKUs from the list of cross-sell products of the chosen product.

  • Copy Cross-Sell Products. Copies the list of cross-sell products from a given SKU to the selected products.

  • Apply in both directions. When a group of products must be linked to each other as cross-sell products, use this option.

  • Remove all products. Removes all cross-sell products for the selected products.

Copy Custom Options

A product can offer the customer individual variations, like a monogram, logo, unique packaging, etc. These variations are configured in the section Customizable Options of the product. If multiple products have the same custom options, you can set up one product and copy the options to the other products.


When the option Add/Update mode is No then custom options from the source are added as new custom options into the recipient product. By putting the Add/Update mode at Yes you can update a recipient's custom options for when to reflect changes in the custom options from the source.

In order to be updated, the name of the custom option in the source and the recipient products must be identical. If the custom option name in the source differs – the new custom option will be added to the recipient product.

Perform basic image management task on product images.


The Update Gallery Images bulk action provides the following options:

  • Remove Images. Remove all currently available images for selected products.

  • Copy Gallery Images. Copies product images from specified SKUs to the recipient products.

Update Price

Magento supports a number of pricing options. In addition to the basic Price option, it offers the section Advanced Pricing with options of Customer Group Price, Special Price, Cost, Minimum Advertised Price.


You can edit in bulk:

  • Price. The retail price of the product.

  • Special Price. Offers a discounted price during a specified time period or scheduled campaign.

  • Cost. This is the actual cost of the item.

For Price, Special Price, and Cost, you can set an Update Value as the value that will be added or subtracted from the current value. The number Update Value can be added as a monetary value or as percentage value.

When updating Special Price, you can additionally update the time period it will be active.

Copy Attributes

Product attributes describe specific characteristics of a product and they provide additional information for product pages, which, are used as search parameters and criteria for layered navigation, product comparison reports, and promotions.


In order to copy product attributes, specify the SKU of the source product and select what attributes to copy from it. Leave empty if you wish to copy all attributes of the source SKU.

Mass Attributes Update


When several products require identical update of their attributes, this can be done using Mass Attributes Update. Specify what attributes must be updated and set the value of each attribute.

For attributes with multiple possible selection new attributes replace the previous attributes of the product.