
How to upgrade extension

To upgrade the extension, follow these steps:

  1. Back up your store's database and web directory.
  2. Log in to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store.
  3. Run the command to update current extension with all dependencies.
    composer require mirasvit/module-product-kit:* --update-with-dependencies


    In some cases, the command above is not applicable, or you are unable to update just the current module, and must upgrade all Mirasvit modules in a bundle. In this case, the command above will have no effect.

    Instead, run the command

    composer update mirasvit/*

    It will update all Mirasvit modules installed in your store.

  4. Run the command to install updates.
    php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. Run the command to clean the cache.
    php -f bin/magento cache:clean
  6. Deploy static view files
    rm -rf pub/static/*; rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*;
    php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


If you have the Hyva installed, run:

composer require mirasvit/module-product-kit:* mirasvit/module-product-kit-hyva:* --update-with-dependencies