
Predefined Kit

Predefined Kit allows for manually selecting particular products that need to be included in the Kit.

To create a new Predefined Kit, go to Catalog > Product Kits and press the button Add New Kit.

The Edit page of a product kit contains three sections:

General Information

  • Active - kit status.
  • Internal Name - kit name. Used only for internal purposes.
  • Priority - sort order for appearing on the frontend.
  • Store View - store view where the kit can be applied.
  • Customer Groups - customer groups where the kit can be applied.
  • Is Smart - kit type.


  • Title - the title of the kit block. Visible on the frontend.
  • Label - label for the product kit discount. Visible on the shopping cart page.
  • Override Cent Values? - allows for modifying the final price of the kit. For example, the final kit price is $25.67, but you need to make it $25.99, so you set this option to ##.99.


To add products to the kit, click the Add Products button. In the pop-up window, select the required products and press the Add Selected Products button.

Each product has the following options:

  • Is Options - defines a product that must be added in the cart.
  • Is Primary - product kit block will be shown only on the product pages that marked as "primary". Each kit should contains at least one "primary" product. For example, if you want to sell a phone case with a phone and want to display the kit on both product pages(phone page and phone case page), you need to mark both products as Primary. If you need to show the kit only on a phone page, then you need to mark only the phone product as primary.
  • Discount - allows you to set a discount for the product in this kit. Two types of discount are allowed:
    • Fixed - defines a strict amount of discount;
    • Percent - defines a percent from the product price.
  • Qty - product's quantity in the kit.