Welcome to the Mirasvit Search Validator!

Validator - our own tool to check the search performance and validate the products search result.

It is useful:

  • to know why some products appear upper or lower in the search results or even not appear;
  • validate product's autocomplete speed;
  • validate product's regular search speed;

It is located at System -> Search Management -> Validator section.

You can validate:

Base information

Includes current Search engine used and Regular search limit.

By default Regular search limit has a limitation 1000, but you can change Max number of items in the result in Search Results. Set 0 to disable limitation. If you have a large catalog, we suggest to limit the number of search results to 1000.

Test Regular Search Speed

Fill in the Search term field with the search phrase and click button Run Test. A search time and number of results will be obtained (in seconds).

Test Autocomplete Search Speed

Fill in the Search term field with the search phrase and click button Run Test. A search time and number of results will be obtained (in seconds).

Validate Search Results

Validate search results - Test how quickly a product can be found.

The slow search speed happens due to low loading store page speed, it takes a lot of time to load the resources. Also, it can be related to the cache configuration. In general, search speed can only be improved via a more precise store configuration.

Describe search results weighting - Test why the product is / is not found and what matching attributes are contained in.