Advanced Seo Suite

Redirects management

Redirect rule creation


With this option you can manage mass redirects in your site more efficiently.
To create a custom redirect rule, you need to go to Marketing > Advanced SEO Suite > Redirects. Click the Add Redirect button. In order to redirect the rule, you must define:

  • Request URL - redirect if the user opens this URL. You can use wildcards.
  • Target URL - redirect to this URL from the Request URL.
  • Redirect Type - choose the HTTP response status code that will be used when redirecting.

    Available options:

    • 301 Moved Permanently - This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI.
    • 302 Object Moved - The response to the request can be found under another URI using the GET method.
    • 307 Temporary Redirect - The request should be repeated with another URI, however, future requests should still use the original URI. For example, a POST request should be repeated using another POST request.
  • Redirect only if the request URL can't be found (404) - the redirect will only be triggered if the request URL corresponds with the 404 Not Found status. This is extremely useful when dealing with 404 Not Found issues in Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Comments - you may leave them to be visible in the admin panel so that other authorized backend users can easily understand the purpose of the redirect rule.
  • Status - indicates whether the redirect rule is enabled or disabled.
  • Visible in Store View - you may select store views in which redirects will be added.


For example, with this option you may set up redirects for all pages that return a "404 Not Found" error to the Homepage of your site.



This implementation is an extremely effective means of dealing with lots of 404 errors found in the Google Webmaster Tools due to
previous URL generation misconfiguration or if pages that do not exist anymore on your site are still present in the Google cache.
Also, the extension allows you to make Import of URLs for Redirect