Advanced Seo Suite

SEO Templates Management

The SEO Templates option is a powerful and flexible tool for managing the meta information on your store pages according to defined rules.



Meta tags are defined in SEO Templates and can be overwritten by the same tags filled in the SEO Rewrite Manager.

Go to Marketing > Advanced SEO Suite > SEO Templates. Here you can find all information about existing templates, edit them and create new SEO templates.

Create an SEO Template

To add a new SEO Template, go to Marketing > Advanced SEO Suite > Templates and click Add SEO Template.

General Information tab

Fill in the following General Information tab fields:

  • Internal Name - give the template a name.
  • Type - determine the pages to which the SEO Template will be applied. It will determine the pages to which the SEO Template will be applied. You may choose one of three types:
    • Product - to apply the template to product pages.
    • Category - to apply the template to category pages.
    • Layered Navigation - to apply the template to the filtered Layered Navigation pages.
    • CMS Pages - to apply the template to the CMS pages.
  • Is Active - enable/disable current template.
  • Store View - define in which stores the template should be applied.
  • Sort Order - you may define the importance of the template. If more than one SEO Template is assigned to a single page, it will be applied to the template with the highest value of the sort order parameter.
  • Meta title - allows you to rewrite the meta title tag of the targeted pages.
  • Meta keywords - allows you to rewrite the meta keywords tag of the targeted pages.
  • Meta description - allows you to rewrite meta description tags of the targeted pages.
  • Title (H1) - allows you to change the header of the targeted pages.

Depending on the value selected in the Type field, you'll have the ability to set the following settings:

  • Category Description - available for the Category and Layered Navigation types.

    • SEO Description Position - allows you to determine where SEO Description blocks will be displayed on the page. More detailed information:

      You can choose from one of these predefined options: Bottom of the page, Under Short Description, Under Full Description, Don't add automatically or select the option "Under custom template", which will provide an additional field "Template for adding SEO description", where you can fill in the desired template path, for example: < magento_root_folder >/app/code/Magento/Catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/view/additional.phtml . You may determine the necessary template path by temporarily enabling "Template Path hints for StoreFront" from Stores > Settings > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug Admin Panel section. seo_description_template_after_front

    • SEO Description - allows you to add additional SEO information about a rewritten store page. Template variables can be used in this field. More detailed information:

      This field is not required but can increase Google indexation. An SEO description block will be added in a position which you can configure in "SEO description position" setting.

    • Category Description - will only be applied if the native Magento category description block is displayed on the frontend. Template variables can be used in this field.
  • Product Description - available for the Product type.

    • SEO Description Position - the same as for the Category Description settings.
    • SEO Description - the same as for the Category Description settings.
    • Product short description - allows you to rewrite a short description on the product page. Only available for templates based on product rule types.
    • Product description - allows you to rewrite the description on the product page. Only available for templates based on product rule types.
  • CMS pages additional settings - available for the CMS Pages type
    • Apply for homepage - enable/disable applying the template to the homepage.


You can use variables in content-related fields like Title, Description, Meta Description, etc.

Conditions tab

On the Condition tab section of the SEO Template configuration page, you may define conditions that will trigger the template. This setting is not available for the CMS Pages type. The Template condition consists of two parts: a combining condition and one or several sub-conditions. The sub-conditions are tied together by a combining condition. You can change ANY to ALL and TRUE to FALSE. Thus, a combining condition can have one of these four forms:


  • If ALL of these conditions are TRUE
  • If ALL of these conditions are FALSE
  • If ANY of these conditions are TRUE
  • If ANY of these conditions are FALSE

You can set multiple sub-conditions by clicking the round + button. This will open a drop-down list with product attributes. However, not every attribute can be used to generate template conditions. First of all, the attribute property Use for Promo Rule Conditions must be set to Yes. To set this option to active, go to Stores > Attributes > Product, open the required attribute's edit page, and click on the Storefront Properties tab. You can change the Use for Promo Rule Conditions setting in this section.


You can create multiple levels of sub-conditions by using a combining condition. Select “Condition combination” in the drop-down list, and you will get a combining setting similar to the one at the top level. Under it, you can add a new branch of attribute-based sub-conditions.

Sub-conditions come in the form of “attribute name” + “operator” + “value”.
The “operator” depends on the attribute type and can be:

  • is / is not - used for single entity (for example, SKU)
  • equals or greater than / equals or less than
  • greater than / less than
  • is one of / is not one of - used for multiple entities (for example, selected categories)
  • contains / does not contain

Rule processing tab

This setting is not available for the CMS Pages type.



Stop Further Rules Processing - If enabled, the template will be applied to the page even if another rule with a higher sort order value is applicable.
Apply to child categories - If the category is set in Conditions, the template will also be applied to all child categories.

Template preview

The extension allows you to preview how data of product/category/CMS pages will look after applying the template.
To check the preview, press the "Preview Template" button at the top of the template editing page.


After that, the aside block will be shown with 5 random entities and data of each entity as they will look after applying the template. In addition, values inserted from variables will be highlighted.
The preview block also gives the ability to preview entities by IDs or preview the page data for a specific URL. Just insert the URL or comma-separated IDs into the input field inside the preview block and press the "Reload" button.



To preview a new template (not saved yet) at least the type of the template should be chosen in the template edit form.
Preview does not support the Layered Navigation template type.