
Getting Started

Welcome to the Shipping Table Rates documentation. Whether you are a new or an advanced user, you can find some useful information here.

First of all, we recommend to check the following link:

How to install the extension

How to install the extension Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Copy the installation instructions from the page My Downloadable Products to t...


Methods To create a new shipping method, go to Stores > Shipping Table Rates > Methods, and press the Add New Method button. Fill in all the required fields on the method edit page. General information Name - The method name that is displayed on th...


Rates To create a new rate, go to Stores > Shipping Table Rates > Rates, and press the Add New Rate button. Fill in all the required fields on the method edit page. General Information Active - activates the Rate. Priority - the sort order of the ...

How to import shipping rates

How to import shipping rates The Shipping Table Rates module offers functionality for importing already existing tables with shipping rates through a CSV file. Get acquainted with the format of this file by exporting shipping rates from your store or modu...

How to upgrade extension

How to upgrade extension To upgrade the extension follow these steps: Backup your store's database and web directory. Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command composer require mirasvit...

Disabling the Extension

Disabling the Extension Temporarily Disable To temporarily disable the extension please follow these steps: Login to the SSH console of your server and navigate to the root directory of the Magento 2 store. Run command php -f bin/magento module:disable M...


0.1.10 (2024-07-05) Improvements Added areas to the import/export rates Added Rate Name to the import file 0.1.9 (2024-05-03) Improvements Added Rate Name to the export file 0.1.8 (2024-05-03) Fixed Made Shipping Address filterable non-sortable 0...