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All transactions are located at Marketing -> Affiliate -> Transactions. Each action which is a part of the Affiliate programs will be recorded as a transaction, and not a single one can be removed.

Transaction grid

Transaction grid

Transaction grid provides the following information:

  • Affiliate: email of customer who has joined your affiliate policy.
  • Amount: money amount that was involved in the transaction. It can be both positive and negative.
  • Type: type of transaction. There are two types available:
    • Commission: addition to the customer's balance.
    • Withdrawal: transfer from the customer's balance to the external payment system.
  • Description: short description of the transaction.
  • Status: status of the transaction. There can be one the following states of transactions present:
    • On Hold: can appear when the option Commission holding period is enabled (read more here).
    • Completed: the transaction is approved, and changes are applied to the balance.
  • Hold To: transaction hold expiration date.
  • Store View: determines in which store the transaction was created.
  • Created At: date of transaction creation.
  • Updated At: date of transaction update.

The transaction grid includes an Action column with a single option: Explain. This option is available only for PayPal Sale programs and provides detailed information on thr selected transaction.


If for some reason the balance of the Affiliate is incorrect, you will need to correct it with a manual transaction.

Transaction creation page

Transaction creation page contains just three fields:

  • Affiliate: drop-down list of customers who have joined your Affiliate policy. You can select only one per manual transaction.
  • Amount: the amount of money that shall be distributed to the customer.
  • Message: short transaction description.