How to
This section provides a collection of practical guides and tutorials on how to configure different features of the Affiliate extension.
📄️ Create a new affiliate group
Upon installation, a default affiliate group named "Default" will be available for immediate use. You can start using it right away or create additional groups as needed. This enables you to assign different commissions or programs based on affiliate groups.
📄️ Create a new affiliate program
Our Magento affiliate plugin has four types of promotions. Lets look into program creation on example of Pay per Sale program with coupon.
📄️ Create manual transactions
Add transaction
📄️ Create a manual withdrawal request
Add withdrawal
📄️ Customize email notification
Our extension encourages the sending of email notifications on each key action that an affiliate can perform. You can see their list on Email Notification Settings subsection at Marketing -> Affiliates -> Settings.
📄️ Transfer data from Magento 1 to Magento 2
Below are examples of scripts that can be used to transfer data from a Mirasvit Affiliate for Magento 1 to a Mirasvit Affiliate for Magento 2.
📄️ Add customer to the affiliate program
There are several possible ways for a customer to join the affiliate program.
📄️ Translate an affiliate into different languages
The extension uses the same logic for translations as default Magento. More details//
📄️ Upgrade the extension
To upgrade the extension, follow these steps:
📄️ Disable the extension
Using these steps you can disable or remove extension.