How to add customer to the affiliate program
There are several possible ways for a customer to join the affiliate program.
If the option Auto Sign Up after creating account in Affiliate account management is enabled, new users will be automatically signed to the affiliate program. No extra steps are needed.
The Affiliate Program link in the footer leads to the Affiliate Program Overview, where customer could fill out and submit an application to become an affiliate.
If the Require manual approval option in Affiliate account management is disabled, the affiliate account will automatically be approved after registration.
Otherwise, you must manually approve the account by navigating to Marketing -> Affiliates -> Account. In this case, a message stating "One or more affiliate accounts are currently in pending status" will appear in the backend, ensuring you don’t overlook new applications.
From the backend
You can manually register a customer as an affiliate from the admin panel.
To do this, go to the Customers grid (Customers > All Customers), select the customer, and click the Edit button to access their information. In the Affiliate subsection, if the customer is not yet participating in the affiliate program, you will see a message stating, "Customer is not registered as an affiliate yet," along with a Register as Affiliate button. Clicking this button will take you to the affiliate account page.