Notification rules
Notification rules allow you to set up messages that notify customers about their current points balance, including both earned and spent points.
To create a new notification rule, go to Marketing -> Promotions -> Reward Points -> Notification Rules and click the Add New button. The rule edit page is divided into three sections:
General information
- Rule name: the name of the rule for internal use.
- Is active: indicates whether the rule is active or not.
- Active from, Active to: the time period during which the rule is active.
- Websites: choose the website(s) to which the rule applies.
- Customer groups: select the customer groups that the rule applies to.
- Stop further rules processing: if enabled, no other rules will apply once this rule is triggered.
- Priority: the order in which the rule is processed relative to other rules.
The notification rule applies to the current persistent cart.
- Product attribute combination: set conditions based on product attributes. The condition follows this format:
If an item is [validation mode] in the cart with [applying mode], and any of these conditions are true:
- Validation mode can be either FOUND (the product exists in the cart) or NOT FOUND (the product does not exist in the cart).
- Applying mode can be ALL (all conditions must be met) or ANY (one or more conditions can be met).
- Additional properties available for conditions:
- Price in cart: check if the product prices match the conditions in the cart.
- Quantity in cart: check the number of products ordered in the cart.
- Row total in cart: the total cost of the products matching the conditions, calculated as the quantity multiplied by the price.
- Product subselection: allows you to check attributes of cart items. The condition follows the format:
If [selection mode] for a subselection of items in the cart matches [applying mode] of these conditions
- Selection mode: defines which primary parameter is checked - product quantity (total quantity) or row total (total amount). This should be supplied with a numeric value.
- Applying mode: can be ALL (all conditions must apply) or ANY (one or more conditions can apply).
- The container can contain the same conditions as the previous model.
- Conditions combination: breaks the rule into logical parts, which can be validated separately. Useful when ANY applying mode is used for complex conditions. It creates a nested block of:
If *[apply mode]* of these conditions are *[validation mode]*
- Cart attribute: set conditions based on various cart attributes, such as:
- Subtotal (excl. tax): the subtotal of the cart excluding tax.
- Subtotal (incl. tax): the subtotal of the cart including tax.
- Subtotal: the subtotal of the cart, including shipping and handling fees (and possibly discounts if configured).
- Total items quantity: the total quantity of items in the cart.
- Total weight: the total weight of all products in the cart.
- Payment method: the chosen payment method.
- Shipping method: the selected shipping method.
- Shipping postcode: the postal code where the products will be shipped.
- Shipping region: the region where the products will be shipped.
- Shipping state/province: the state or province where the products will be shipped.
- Shipping country: the country where the products will be shipped.
- Show message on: a checklist of pages where you would like to display the notification message(s).
- Message: the content of the notification message to be displayed.
For examples of notification rules, see the Notification Rules Examples section.