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How to create shipping area

A shipping area allows you to group various geographic locations under a single rule, simplifying the management of shipping rules for different regions.

Follow these steps to create a shipping area in your Magento store:

  1. Navigate to Stores -> Shipping Areas. This will bring you to the shipping areas management page where you can add, edit, or delete existing shipping areas.

  2. Click the Add New Shipping Area button.

  3. Start by filling in the General information. A detailed description of the fields can be found in the Shipping area section of our documentation.

General information

General information

  1. In the Applying conditions tab, define the geographic areas that will make up this shipping area.

Applying conditions

Applying conditions

  1. Once all the necessary information and conditions have been set, click the Save button to add the new shipping area.

By creating shipping areas, you can streamline the process of managing shipping rules for different geographic regions, making it easier to apply and modify location-based shipping conditions in your Magento store.