Product Attachments

Quick Start

Setting up a New Attachment

You can set up a new attachment in the module's settings:

  1. Go to your Magento admin panel. Click the Catalog tab in the top left.
  2. Click Manage Attachments in the pop-up.
  3. Click Add New in the top right.
  4. Choose whether you want the attachment to be active immediately in the Is Active field.
  5. Decide whether you want the attachment to be a file or a link in the Type field.
  6. Upload the file or paste the URL.
  7. Select its public name in the Label field.


    If you upload a file, the filename (without the extension) will be used as the default label.
  8. You can choose global sort order for attachment in the Sort Order field.


    • If several attacments have the same Sort Order value, they will be sorted by attachment_id.
    • You can drag and drop attachments in the attachments tab on the product or category edit page.
  9. (Optional) Select the attachment's icon. If you would like to use different icons, please follow the guidelines here.


    • If you do not select an icon, the default icon associated with the file type will be used.
    • If there is no icon associated with the file type, a generic file icon will be used.
    • If you add a URL, the URL icon will be used.
  10. Choose the customer groups that will be able to see the attachment in the Customer Group Ids field.
  11. Select which store views will have the attachment in the Store View field.
  12. Click Save in the top right.

You can also set up new attachment while editing a product, category or a CMS page:

  1. Start editing the relevant page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Expand the Attachments section
  4. Click Add New Attachment
  5. Go to Step 4 of the guide above.

Adding an Attachment to the Page

Useful Info

You can add more than one attachment to a single page.

You can assign an attachment to several pages from the attachment's settings:

  1. Create a new attachment by following the guidelines above or navigate to an existing attachment and click Edit in the rightmost part of the grid.
  2. Expand the Products section, click Add Products and select the product pages where you would like to add the attachment.


    If you would like to further customize how attachments are displayed on the product page, follow the guidelines below.

Product Page Configuration

You can further customize the way your attachments appear on the product page.

Customizing the Product Page Attachment

  1. Click the Catalog tab in the top left of your admin panel.
  2. Click Configuration in the pop-up.
  3. Choose whether you want the attachment tab to be displayed on the product page in the Display Product Tab field.
    Note: Selecting No will remove the attachment from the page.
  4. Change the attachment tab's name in the Tab Title field. The default name is Attachments.
  5. Choose the attachment tab's order in the Tab Position field. The default order is 100, i.e. it appears last.
  6. Click Save Config in the top right.
  7. Clear Magento cache.

  1. Expand the Categories section, click Add Categories and choose the category pages where you would like to add the attachment.
  2. Expand the Cms Pages section, click Add Pages and choose the CMS pages where you would like to add the attachment.
  3. Click Save in the top right.
  4. Clear Magento cache.

Alternatively, you can assign several attachments to a page while changing product, category or CMS page settings:

  1. Start editing the relevant page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom.
  3. Expand the Attachments section.
  4. Click Assign Attachments.
  5. Check all attachments that apply.
  6. Click Save in the top right.
  7. Clear Magento cache.