Cache Warmer

Cache Warmer Pages

Go to System > Page Cache Warmer > Pages. You will see warmed pages.

  • Warm Cache - add the page to the FPC cache.
  • Clean Cache - delete the page from the FPC cache.
  • Show CURL Request - displays the CURL request that the extension uses to warm the page in the cache.
  • Delete - delete the page's URL from pages list.


How do URLs appear in Pages?

  1. When customers visit pages on your store (most relevant result).
  2. Manually via ssh with CLI command: crawl.
  3. By cron.

This page provides you with the statistical charts that display the work of the extension and the full page cache itself.

The info block with charts is divided in 4 sections:

  • Cache Coverage (last 24H) - displays how many pages were served from the cache when visited in the browser during the last 24 hours.
  • Cache Fill Rate - displays the current status of pages collected by the extension.
  • Cache Fill History (last 24H) - this chart displays the varying of the cache fill rate during the last 24 hours. The time on the chart is in GMT.
  • Server info - additional information regarding the full page cache:
    • Cache Type - caching application configured in the store
    • Cache TTL - Lifetime of the full page cache configured in the store
    • Average Warming Speed - approximate speed with which the extension warms pages on the store (URLs per hour). Actual current warming speed can be different from this value as it depends on the number of cached/pending pages, cache flushes, etc.
    • Check test page button - check here.