Cache Warmer

Page Cache Warmer settings

The settings of Cache Warmer are located at System ▸ Page Cache Warmer ▸ Settings and are grouped into the following sections:

  • General Settings - basic configuration of the warming process;
  • Performance - allows you to manage the performance of Cache Warmer;
  • Extended Settings - advanced settings to fine-tune server load and improve its responsiveness;
  • FPC hole punch - settings for excluding individual blocks from caching;
  • Debug - provides you with additional debug information about the cache.

General Settings

  • Enabled - enables/disables Page Cache Warmer.
  • Ignored Pages - allows for setting URL patterns on pages that should be ignored by Cache Warmer, consisting of records where Expression contains a regular expression for URL.


    • /\?/ - ignore all pages that have GET parameters (filtered category pages, search results pages, etc.)
    • /\?[\w=]*&[\w=]*&[\w=]*/ - ignore pages with more than 2 GET parameters
    • /\?(?!p=).*/ - ignore all pages that have GET parameters, except paging (like ?p=2)

    Read more about regular expressions.

  • Ignored User-agents - permits setting patterns of user-agent headers, which will be ignored by cache warmer. For example, you can set /.*Googlebot.*/ to ignore Google crawler, and pages visited by Google crawler will not be added to the queue of cache warmer.
  • Ignored Page types - permits choosing page types from a list which will be ignored by cache warmer. All available page types presented on the website will be added after the CLI crawler has completed crawling the website.


This section will help you tune up Page Cache Warmer crawler. The crawler is launched regularly based on a cron schedule and begins to traverse the list of available URLs of the store:

  • If the URL is already cached, it is skipped;
  • If the URL is not in the cache, the crawler will visit it on behalf of an external user to have the page rendered and placed in the cache.


  • Warming Strategy - allows you to define the strategy for warming pages. This setting has 2 options:
    • Warm Rules - the default strategy. The extension will warm pages depending on Warm Rules and the Popularity of URLs.
    • Warm Rules + URL variations - additionally to the default strategy, the extension will fire additional background processes trying to warm all variations of URLs from the current warming job's queue. The exec() function should be enabled. Can create an additional load on the server.
  • Cache Warming Intensity - the extension comes with three predefined performance levels. It also lets you further customize the performance settings.
    • High-intensive warming - the crawler uses the full-time interval between warming jobs and without utilizing the server load threshold. This performance level is recommended for stores installed on high-performance servers with a low load rate.
      CURL multi requests should also be available.
    • Medium-default mode - the performance level recommended for most Magento stores. The crawler uses 75% of the time interval between warming jobs. If the server load rate is higher than 80%, the crawler will not warm the pages in the cache.
      CURL multi requests should also be available.
    • Low-soft warming - the lightest performance level. It is recommended for stores installed on servers with a high load rate. With this performance level, the crawler uses only half of the time interval between warming jobs. If the server load rate is higher than 60%, the crawler will not warm pages in the cache.
      CURL multi requests are not required for this performance level.
    • Custom-expert mode - allows you to configure the crawler's performance manually. This performance level lets you configure the following parameters:
      • Threads - the number of concurrent (parallel) requests to the store.
      • Maximum job run time - maximum running time allowed for a crawler job (in seconds).
      • Job Schedule - cron expression that schedules warmer jobs. Read more about setting up cron expressions here.
      • Don't run the warmer's job if the average system load is more than (%) - If the average system load exceeds this field's value, the warmer's job will not start. The average system load graph can be found in SYSTEM -> Page Cache Warmer -> Jobs. Read more in this FAQ section.

Extended Settings

  • Enable statistics - Enable/disable collecting statistical data. If disabled, the extension stops making /cache_warmer/track requests to the websites' front pages. The extension will not collect statistical data and count the popularity of the pages.
  • Warmer limit (%) - Warmer will stop warming when the cache fill rate reaches this value.
  • Forbid cache flushing - completely disables flushing FPC cache. Read more in this FAQ section.
  • Forcibly make pages cacheable - Allows you to override the default behavior of Magento with regard to caching pages by changing content block attributes:

    • Disable - keeps Magento's default caching behavior.
    • All pages - the extension will delete cacheable="false" for all blocks in home, category, and product pages, making them cacheable as a result.
    • Configure - allows you to select page types which can be made cacheable, e.g. home page (Cms · Index · Index), category (Catalog · Category · View) and product pages (Catalog · Product · View) make_pages_cacheable_by_page_type.png
  • Use the same cache for the new visitor - Allows you to avoid the creation of several copies of cached pages for Magento installations with multiple store views. Disable it if your pages are cached incorrectly for different languages/currencies/store views.
  • Consider design rules - If enabled, the extension will consider design settings (User-Agent rules) for caching pages. The extension will add an additional parameter (mst_design) to the HTTP context. In this way, you'll no need to make any additional settings to Varnish config to cache pages according to the design settings of the website. Enable this option ONLY if you have different themes which depend on the User-Agent (Content -> Design -> Configuration; for example, a separate theme for mobile pages). After changing this setting, it is required to clean the Pages table and flush the entire Magento cache. The Pages table can be cleaned using the CLI command provided by the extension. More information about the CLI commands can be read in the Command Line Interface section.
  • HTTP authentication - Allows you to crawl store pages when basic access authentication is enabled.
    • Username - set your username.
    • Password - set the password for the existing username.


  • Show cache status - show block in the store frontend with page cache status.
  • Show cache status only for - сomma separated IP addresses, for which infobox should be visible.
  • Log warmer requests - log all warmer requests to /var/log/cache-warmer.log file.
  • Log backtrace for cache flushing - if enabled, the extension will save backtraces for cache flushes into the database. Backtraces will be visible on the "Cache Flushes" page provided by the extension. Read more in Cache Warmer Cache Flushes.
  • Log tags for cache flushing - logs all cache flushes to /var/log/cache-warmer-flush.log file.
  • Log backtrace for cache flushing - logs backtrace for cache flushes to the /var/log/cache-warmer-flush.log. For more info on this setting and the previous one, read in this FAQ section.